- PDF version
- About this document
- Changes introduced with IBM Application Performance Analyzer V13.1
- Using Application Performance Analyzer/ISPF
- Entering observation requests
- Entering an observation request
- Entering a Threshold Monitor request
- Entering a Trigger request
- Performance analysis reports
- Performance analysis basics
- Report categories and codes
- S01 - Measurement profile
- Usage
- Performance graphs
- Overall CPU activity
- CPU usage distribution
- Most CPU active modules
- Most CPU active CSECTs
- CPU modes
- Most active IMS PSBs
- Most active DLI calls
- Most active DB2 plans
- Most active packages/DBRMs
- Most active SQL statements
- Measurement values
- Request parameters
- Measurement environment
- Measurement statistics
- CPU consumption
- zAAP CPU consumption
- DDF CPU consumption
- Client enclave consumption
- Sample reports
- S02 - Load module attributes
- S03 - Load module summary
- S04 - TCB summary
- S05 - Memory usage timeline
- S06 - Data space usage timeline
- S07 - TCB execution summary
- S08 - Processor utilization summary
- S09 - Measurement analysis
- S10 - Observation Session Messages
- C01 - CPU usage by category
- C02 - CPU usage by module
- C03 - CPU usage by code slice
- C04 - CPU usage timeline
- C05 - CPU usage by task/category
- C06 - CPU usage by task/module
- C07 - CPU usage by procedure
- C08 - CPU usage referred attribution
- C09 - CPU usage by PSW/object code
- C10 - CPU Usage by Natural Program
- W01 - WAIT time by task/category
- W02 - WAIT time by task/module
- W03 - WAIT time referred attribution
- W04 - WAIT time by task ENQ/RESERVE
- W05 - WAIT time by tape DDNAME
- D01 - DASD usage by device
- D02 - DASD usage by DDNAME
- D03 - DASD usage by data set
- D04 - Data set attributes
- D05 - DASD EXCP summary
- D06 - DASD VSAM statistics
- D07 - DASD activity timeline
- D08 - DASD I/O wait time
- D09 - VSAM buffer pool usage
- G01 - Coupling facility summary
- G02 - Coupling facility mean times
- G03 - Coupling facility total times
- K01- CPU SRB Usage by SRB Type
- K02- CPU SRB Usage by PSW/ObjCode
- V01 - Measurement variance summary
- V02 - CICS variance summary
- V03 - DB2 variance summary
- V04 - IMS variance summary
- Usage
- Measurements analyzed
- Variances
- Txn observations
- IMS Txns counted
- Transaction rate
- Txn throughput
- IMS Txn svc time
- IMS Txn max svc
- IMS Txn min svc
- IMS Txn CPU time
- IMS Txn max CPU
- IMS Txn min CPU
- DLI observations
- DLI call count
- DLI call rate
- DLI call thruput
- DLI svc time
- DLI max svc
- DLI min svc
- DLI CPU time
- DLI max CPU
- DLI min CPU
- Sample reports
- CICS performance analysis reports
- Overview of CICS data extractor
- CICS+ Extractor
- Overview of CICS Multiple Address Space Support
- E01 - CICS session statistics
- E02 - CICS CPU and use count by program
- E03 - CICS CPU usage by transaction
- E04 - CICS mean service time by transaction
- E05 - CICS total service time by Txn
- E06 - CICS service time by task ID
- E07 - CICS wait by Txn
- E08 - CICS mean service time by terminal ID
- E09 - CICS total service time by terminal ID
- E10 - CICS mean service time by user ID
- E11 - CICS total service time by user ID
- E12 - CICS CPU/service time by transaction
- IMS performance analysis reports
- Overview of IMS data extractor
- IMS+ extractor
- Overview of IMS Multiple Address Space Support
- I01 - IMS measurement profile
- I02 - IMS DL/I call timeline
- I03 - IMS transaction timeline
- I04 - IMS transaction activity timeline
- Detail lines for reports I05 through I13
- Detail lines reported for PSW sampling
- APPLCN - Application code category
- SYSTEM - System/OS services category
- NOSYMB - No module name found
- DPA group
- DPA subgroup
- NOSYMB address range
- SVC - Supervisor call
- CSECT - Control section
- DB2SQL - DB2 SQL processing category
- SQL statement
- DATAMG - Data management processing category
- DASD I/O request
- IMS transaction
- IMS DL/I call
- IMSDLI - IMS DL/I processing category
- Detail lines reported for PSW sampling
- I05 - IMS DL/I CPU usage by PSB
- I06 - IMS DL/I CPU usage by transaction
- I07 - IMS DL/I CPU usage by DL/I call
- I08 - IMS DL/I WAIT time by PSB
- I09 - IMS DL/I WAIT time by transaction
- I10 - IMS DL/I WAIT time by DL/I call
- I11 - IMS DL/I activity by PSB
- I12 - IMS DL/I activity by transaction
- I13 - IMS DL/I activity by DL/I call
- I14 - IMS PSB/PCB attributes
- I15 - IMS DL/I call attributes
- I16 - IMS transaction service times
- I17 - IMS transaction DL/I call counts
- I18 - IMS CPU/Svc time by DL/I calls
- I19 - IMS CPU/Svc time by PSB
- I20 - IMS CPU/Svc time by transaction
- I21 - IMS CPU/Svc time by PCB
- I22 - IMS Region Transaction Summary
- DB2 performance analysis reports
- Overview of DB2 data extractor
- Displaying SQL Statement Text
- SQL statement sequence numbers
- Overview of DB2 Multiple Address Space Support
- F01 - DB2 measurement
- F02 - DB2 SQL activity timeline
- F03 - DB2 SQL activity by DBRM
- F04 - DB2 SQL activity by statement
- F05 - DB2 SQL activity by plan
- F06 - DB2 SQL statement attributes
- F07 - DB2 SQL wait time by DBRM
- F08 - DB2 SQL wait time by statement
- F09 - DB2 SQL wait time by plan
- F10 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc time by DBRM
- F11 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc time by stmt
- F12 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc time by plan
- F13 - DB2 SQL threads analysis
- F14 - DB2 CPU by plan/stored proc
- F15 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Rq Loc
- F16 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Enclave
- F17 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Corrid
- F18 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Wkstn
- F19 - DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by EndUsr
- F20 - DB2 Class 3 Wait Times
- DB2 EXPLAIN report
- DB2SQL category in C01 report
- MQSeries performance analysis reports
- Overview of MQSeries data extractor
- Q01 - MQSeries activity summary
- Q02 - MQSeries CPU usage by queue
- Q03 - MQSeries CPU usage by request
- Q04 - MQSeries CPU usage by Txn
- Q05 - MQSeries service time by queue
- Q06 - MQSeries service time by request
- Q07 - MQSeries service time by Txn
- Q08 - MQSeries wait time by queue
- Q09 - MQSeries wait time by request
- Q10 - MQSeries wait time by Txn
- Q11 - MQ+ Activity Timeline
- Q12 - MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Queue
- Q13 - MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Request
- Q14 - MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Txn
- Java/USS/HFS performance analysis reports
- Overview of Java data extractor
- Java Version Support
- Considerations for Java
- Using a dynamically loaded JVMTI agent
- Using a preloaded JVMTI agent
- USS multiple address space measurements
- J01 - Java summary and attributes
- J02 - Java heap usage timeline
- J03 - Java CPU usage by thread
- J04 - Java CPU usage by package
- J05 - Java CPU usage by class
- J06 - Java CPU usage by method
- J07 - Java CPU usage by call path
- J09 - Java service time by package
- J10 - Java service time by class
- J11 - Java service time by method
- J12 - Java service time by call path
- J14 - Java wait time by package
- J15 - Java wait time by class
- J16 - Java wait time by method
- J17 - Java wait time by call path
- H01 - HFS Service Time by Path Name
- H02 - HFS Service Time by Device
- H03 - HFS File Activity
- H04 - HFS File Attributes
- H05 - HFS Device Activity
- H06 - HFS Device Attributes
- H07 - HFS Activity Timeline
- H08 - HFS Wait Time by Path Name
- H09- HFS Wait Time by Device
- H10- HFS Service Time by Request
- H11- HFS Wait Time by Request
- WebSphere performance analysis reports
- Overview of WAS data extractor
- Measuring WAS servant address space activity
- B01 - WAS Summary
- B02 - WAS Activity
- B03 - WAS Activity by Origin
- B04 - WAS Activity by Servant
- B05 - WAS EJB Activity
- B06 - WAS EJB Activity by Origin
- B07 - WAS EJB Activity by Servant
- B08 – WAS Servlet/JSP Activity
- B09 - WAS Servlet/JSP by Origin
- B10 WAS Servlet/JSP by Servant
- B11 - WAS/CICS Calls
- B12 - WAS/DB2 Calls
- B13 - Async Work Requests
- B14 - Async Work by Work Mgr
- B15 - Async Work by Servant
- B16 - WOLA Inbound Requests
- B17 - WOLA Inbound by Origin
- B18 - WOLA Inbound by Servant
- B19 - WOLA Outbound Requests
- B20 - WOLA Outbound by Register
- B21 - WOLA Outbound by Servant
- Multiple address space reports
- X01 - CICS mean service time by transaction
- X02 - CICS total service time by txn
- X03 - CICS mean service time by terminal ID
- X04 - CICS total service time by terminal ID
- X05 - Combined DB2 IMS MQ Timeline
- Source program mapping
- Introduction to source program mapping
- A01 - Source program mapping panel
- A03 - Java source program mapping panel
- A04 - Source mapping dataset list
- A05 - Source mapping common list
- A011 - Source program mapping pick list
- P01 - Source program attribution
- P03 - DWARF Source Program Attribution
- P04 - DWARF Source Lines
- Printing reports and creating XML documents
- About Application Performance Analyzer’s report printing and XML document feature
- Using the ISPF report request facility
- Preparing JCL to print reports or create XML documents
- Specifying control statements
- Reports in PDF format
- Reports in XML document format
- Report SECTION descriptions
- Batch interface commands
- Realtime Monitor
- Application Performance Analyzer Graphical User Interface (GUI).
- Getting started with the Application Performance Analyzer GUI
- Preferences
- Status line
- List navigation
- View navigation
- STC list view
- STC Properties view
- System Properties view
- Observations List view
- Observation Detail view
- Observation Reports List view
- Report views
- Search Results view
- Help Search view
- Configuring and Tuning
- Support resources and problem solving information
- Creating side files using CAZLANGX
- XML document layout
- XML declaration
- Root tag
- Layout standards
- Measurement information
- Performance analysis reports
- S01 Measurement Profile
- S02 Load Module Attributes
- S03 Load Module Summary
- S04 TCB Summary
- S05 Memory Usage Timeline
- S06 Data Space Usage Timeline
- S07 TCB Execution Summary
- S08 Processor Utilization Summary
- S09 Measurement Analysis
- S10 Observation Session Messages
- C01 CPU Usage by Category
- C02 CPU Usage by Module
- C03 CPU Usage by Code Slice
- C04 CPU Usage Timeline
- C05 CPU Usage by Task/Category
- C06 CPU Usage by Task/Module
- C07 CPU Usage by Procedure
- C08 CPU Usage Referred Attribution
- C09 CPU Usage by PSW/Object Code
- C10 CPU Usage by Natural Program
- W01 WAIT Time by Task/Category
- W02 WAIT Time by Task/Module
- W03 WAIT Referred Attribution by Task
- W04 WAIT Time by Task ENQ/RESERVE
- W05 WAIT Time by Tape DDNAME
- D01 DASD Usage Time by Device
- D02 DASD Usage Time by DDNAME
- D03 DASD Usage Time by Dataset
- D04 Dataset Attributes
- D05 DASD EXCP Summary
- D06 DASD VSAM Statistics
- D07 DASD Activity Timeline
- D08 DASD I/O Wait Time
- D09 VSAM Buffer Pool Usage
- G01 Coupling Facility Statistics
- G02 Coupling Facility Mean Service Times
- G03 Coupling Facility Total Service Times
- K01 CPU SRB Usage by SRB Type
- K02 CPU SRB Usage by PSW/OBbjCode
- V01 Measurement Variance Summary
- V02 CICS Variance Summary
- V03 DB2 Variance Summary
- V04 IMS Variance Summary
- CICS Performance analysis reports
- E01 CICS Session Statistics
- E02 CICS CPU and Use Counts by Pgm
- E03 CICS CPU Usage by Transaction
- E04 CICS Mean Service Time by Txn
- E05 CICS Total Service Time by Txn
- E06 CICS Total Service Time by Task ID
- E07 CICS Wait by Txn
- E08 CICS Mean Service Time by Termid
- E09 CICS Total Service Time by Termid
- E10 CICS Mean Service Time by User ID
- E11 CICS Total Service Time by User ID
- E12 CICS CPU/Service Time by Transaction
- IMS Performance analysis reports
- I01 IMS Measurement Profile
- I02 IMS DL/I Call Timeline
- I03 IMS Transaction Timeline
- I04 IMS Transaction Activity Timeline
- I05 to I13
- I14 IMS PSB/PCB Attributes
- I15 IMS DL/I Call Attributes
- I16 IMS Transaction Service Times
- I17 IMS Transaction DL/I Call Counts
- I18 IMS CPU/Service Time by DL/I Call
- I19 IMS CPU/Service Time by PSB
- I20 IMS CPU/Service Time by Transaction
- I21 IMS CPU/Service Time by PCB
- I22 IMS Region Transaction Summary
- DB2 Performance analysis reports
- F01 DB2 Measurement profile
- F02 DB2 SQL Activity Timeline
- F03 SQL Activity by DBRM
- F04 SQL Activity by Statement
- F05 SQL Activity by Plan
- F06 DB2 SQL Statement Attributes
- F07 SQL WAIT Time by DBRM
- F08 SQL WAIT Time by Statement
- F09 SQL WAIT Time by Plan
- F10 SQL CPU/Service Time by DBRM
- F11 SQL CPU/Service Time by Statement
- F12 SQL CPU/Service Time by Plan
- F13 DB2 Threads Analysis
- F14 DB2 CPU by Plan/Stored Proc
- F15 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Rq Loc
- F16 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Enclave
- F17 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Corrid
- F18 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Wkstn
- F19 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by EndUsr
- F20 DB2 Class 3 Wait Times
- Java/USS/HFS Performance analysis reports
- J01 Java Summary/Attributes
- J02 Java Heap Usage Timeline
- J03 Java CPU Usage by Thread
- J04 Java CPU Usage by Package
- J05 Java CPU Usage by Class
- J06 Java CPU Usage by Method
- J07 Java CPU Usage by Call Path
- J09 Java Service Time by Package
- J10 Java Service Time by Class
- J11 Java Service Time by Method
- J12 Java Service Time by Call Path
- J14 Java Wait Time by Package
- J15 Java Wait Time by Class
- J16 Java Wait Time by Method
- J17 Java Wait Time by Call Path
- H01 HFS Service Time by Path Name
- H02 HFS Service Time by Device
- H03 HFS File Activity
- H04 HFS File Attributes
- H05 HFS Device Activity
- H06 HFS Device Attributes
- H07 HFS Activity Timeline
- H08 HFS Wait Time by Path Name
- H09 HFS Wait Time by Device
- H10 HFS Service Time by Request
- H11 HFS Wait Time by Request
- MQSeries Performance analysis reports
- Q01 MQSeries Activity Summary
- Q02 MQSeries CPU Usage by Queue
- Q03 MQSeries CPU Usage by Request
- Q04 MQSeries CPU Usage by Txn/Queue
- Q05 MQSeries Service Time by Queue
- Q06 MQSeries Service Time by Request
- Q07 MQSeries Service Time by Txn/Queue
- Q08 MQSeries Wait Time by Queue
- Q09 MQSeries Wait Time by Request
- Q10 MQSeries Wait Time by Txn/Queue
- Q11 MQ+ Activity Timeline
- Q12 MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Queue
- Q13 MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Request
- Q14 MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Txn
- WebSphere performance analysis reports
- B01 WAS Summary
- B02 WAS Activity
- B03 WAS Activity by Origin
- B04 WAS Activity by Servant
- B05 WAS EJB Activity
- B06 WAS EJB Activity by Origin
- B07 WAS EJB Activity by Servant
- B08 WAS Servlet/JSP Activity
- B09 WAS Servlet/JSP Activity by Origin
- B10 WAS Servlet/JSP by Activity by Servant
- B11 WAS/CICS Calls
- B12 WAS/DB2 Calls
- B13 Async Work Requests
- B14 Async Work by Manager
- B15 Async Work by Servant
- B16 WOLA Inbound Requests
- B17 WOLA Inbound by Origin
- B18 WOLA Inbound by Servant
- B19 WOLA Outbound Requests
- B20 WOLA Outbound by Register
- B21 WOLA Outbound by Servant
- Multiple address space reports
- Source Program Attribution
- Accessibility
- Notices
- Glossary
- Bibliography