Detail window

You can enter “++” (or the Enter key) on any line to display a pop-up window containing additional information. For example, entering “++” on an SQL line will cause this detail window to appear:

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|                                                                            |
| +--------------- The following report line was selected ---------------+   |
| | > S00012    3179 SELECT                0.84                          |   |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                            |
| Calculation Details                                                        |
|    DB2 SQL activity measurements             84                            |
|    SQL request                               SELECT                        |
|    In program                                PFSAMPC                       |
|    Precompiler statement number              3179                          |
|    Total measurements                        10,000                        |
|    Percent of total                          0.84                          |
|                                                                            |
| SQL Statement Information                                                  |
|    Subsystem name  DSN1                 Attach type     SASS               |
|    Plan name       PFSAMPA              Plan bind time  May-11-05 13:57:39 |
|                                                                            |
|    DBRM name       PFSAMPC              DBRM token      179FD30A 1B977868  |
|    DBRM date/time  May-11-05 13:56:56                                      |
|                                                                            |
|    Package ID      PFSAMPC              Location        CABNETDB24         |
|    Collectn name   PFSAMPX1             Pkg BIND time   May-11-05 13:57:36 |
|                                                                            |
|    SQL function    SELECT               Static/dynamic  Static             |
|    Precmplr stmt#  3179                 DBRM section#   21                 |
|    CSECT/module    PFSAMPC in PFSAMPC   Offset of call  00008610           |
|    Sample count    84                   SQL req count   172                |
|    SQL CPU time    0.28                 Service time    0.45               |
|                                                                            |
|    SQL Statement:  SELECT *                                                |
|                    INTO : H ,                                              |
|                         : H  : H ,                                         |
|                         : H  : H                                           |
|                    FROM VDEP                                               |
|                    WHERE DEPTNO = : H                                      |
|                                                                            |