Request parameters

These values were established when the measurement was requested.

Under Heading This is Displayed
Request number The unique four-digit identifier assigned to the measurement.
Description A description specified when the measurement was requested.
Sample File DSN The data set name of the measurement file.
Retention The date upon which the measurement file is to be deleted by Application Performance Analyzer.
Data extractors The specified data extractors (DB2®, CICS®, etc.)
IMS™ Subsystem Id The specified IMS subsystem Id. This field displays for IMS multiple address space requests only.
IMS Tran Code The specified IMS transaction code. This field displays for IMS multiple address space requests and IMS single region requests.
IMS Program Name The specified IMS program name. This field displays for IMS single region requests only.
IMS User Id The specified IMS user Id. This field displays for IMS single region requests only.
Specific DB2 Parms A ‘P’ is displayed when the request was specified for a DB2 Stored Procedure. An ‘F’ is displayed when the request was specified for a DB2 user-defined function. This field displays for DB2 multiple address space requests only.
DB2 Subsystem The DB2 subsystem Id that was specified for the stored procedure or user-defined function. This field displays for DB2 multiple address space requests only.
Schema The schema name that was specified for the stored procedure or user-defined function. This field displays for DB2 multiple address space requests only.
Name The name that was specified for the stored procedure or user-defined function. This field displays for DB2 multiple address space requests only.
Time of request The time of day the request was made.
Requesting user The TSO user ID of the user that requested the measurement.
Date of request The date upon which the request was made.
Job name The name of the job that was specified to be measured.
Step name/number The step name or step number that was specified to be measured, if applicable.
Step program The name of the step program that was specified to be measured, if applicable.
Number of samples The number of samples specified.
Duration The specified measurement duration.
Active/pending Indicates whether the measurement request specified an active job (an immediate measurement) or one that was to run later when execution of the job step is detected.
Proc step name The procedure step name, if specified.
Delay time The number of seconds specified for which the start of the measurement was to be delayed from the start of the job step.