Detail window

You can enter “++” (or the Enter key) on any line to display a pop-up window containing additional information. A sample detail window for this report is shown here, this one is for a CICS® command:

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|                                                                            |
| +--------------- The following report line was selected ---------------+   |
| |   > +2C70     RETURN              0.000     0.000    0.000      0.000|   |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                            |
| Calculation Details                                                        |
|    CICS Transaction                          DNC1                          |
|    The quantities shown represent the service time for execution of the    |
|    indicated CICS command while processing this transaction. The           |
|    quantities are mean times for the command for all executions of the     |
|    transaction and are calculated as follows:                              |
|                                                                            |
|      (1) Times command observed in txn/program    26                       |
|      (2) Duration of one sample interval          0.006003                 |
|      (3) (1) × (2) = total time for command       0.156078                 |
|      (4) Number of executions of transaction      342                      |
|      (5) (3) ÷ (4) = mean time for the command    0.000456                 |
|                                                                            |
| Command Attributes                                                         |
|      CICS Command                  EXEC CICS RETURN                        |
|      Issued in Load Module         PFSAMPA                                 |
|      Return Offset in Module       +2C90                                   |
|      Name of CSECT                 PFSAMPA                                 |
|      Return Offset in CSECT        +2C70                                   |
|                                                                            |
| The command execution measurement counts are                               |
|      Executing (CPU active)        21                                      |
|      Suspended by CICS             5                                       |
|      Delayed                                                               |
|         CICS dispatch delay        0                                       |
|         MVS delay (WAIT)           0                                       |
|         MVS delay (Busy)           0                                       |
|                                                                            |

A sample detail window for an SQL command is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
 |                                                                           |
 | +--------------- The following report line was selected ------------------|
 | |   → +85D8     SELECT                     0.001     0.000     0.000      |
 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 |                                                                           |
 | Calculation Details                                                       |
 |    CICS Transaction                          DNC1                         |
 |    The quantities shown represent the service time for execution of the   |
 |    indicated DB2 SQL call while processing this transaction. The          |
 |    quantities are mean times for the SQL call for all executions of the   |
 |    transaction and are calculated as follows:                             |
 |                                                                           |
 |      (1) Times SQL call observed in txn/program   93                      |
 |      (2) Duration of one sample interval          0.006003                |
 |      (3) (1) x (2) = total time for SQL call      0.558279                |
 |      (4) Number of execution of transaction       342                     |
 |      (5) (3) ÷ (4) = mean time for the SQL call   0.001632                |
 |                                                                           |
 | SQL Statement Information                                                 |
 |    Subsystem name  DSN1                 Attach type     SASS              |
 |    Plan name       PFSAMPA              Plan BIND time  Nov-28-04 14:11:17|
 |                                                                           |
 |    DBRM name       PSSAMPC              DBRM token      17859595 06957A24 |
 |    DBRM date/time  Nov-25-04 14:49:42                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 |    Package ID      PFSAMPC              Location        CABNETDB24        |
 |    Collectn name   PFSAMPX2             Pkg BIND time   no data           |
 |                                                                           |
 |    SQL function    SELECT               Static/dynamic  Static            |
 |    Precmplr stmt#  3179                 DBRM section#   21                |
 |    CSECT/module    PFSAMPC in PFSAMPC   Offset of call  000085D8          |
 |    Sample count    93                   SQL req count   172               |
 |    SQL CPU time    0.28                 Service time    0.54              |
 |                                                                           |
 |    SQL Statement:   SELECT *                                              |
 |                     INTO : H ,                                            |
 |                          : H  : H ,                                       |
 |                          : H  : H                                         |
 |                     FROM DEPT                                             |
 |                     WHERE XRATE = : H                                     |
 |                                                                           |