Object detail line

Object detail line is the third level detail line that is shown directly under the WOLA Inbound request detail line. The object detail line quantifies invocation of an EJB or a Web application at the object level.

Under Heading This is Displayed
Seqno A level 2 sequence number within the level 1 line.
Name The EJB or Web application name.
Count The number of invocations that are counted for this object. Large numbers are expressed in thousands or millions with a K or M suffix. There can be multiple invocations of the object in one request. Therefore, the level 2 counts do not necessarily add up to the level 1 count.
CPU Time: Total The total CPU time for all invocations of this object. The CPU time includes normalized zIIP and zAAP CPU time. There is processing in addition to the CPU time incurred by these invoked objects. Therefore, the level 2 CPU times do not necessarily add up to the level 1 CPU times.
CPU Time: Mean The mean CPU time for all invocations of this object. The CPU time includes normalized zIIP and zAAP CPU time. There is processing in addition to the CPU time incurred by these invoked objects. Therefore, the level 2 CPU times do not necessarily add up to the level 1 CPU times.
SVC Time: Total The total service time (elapsed time) for all invocations of this object. There is processing in addition to the service time incurred by these invoked objects. Therefore, the level 2 service times do not necessarily add up to the level 1 service times.
SVC Time: Mean The mean service time for all invocations of this object. There is processing in addition to the service time incurred by these invoked objects. Therefore, the level 2 service times do not necessarily add up to the level 1 service times.