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Use this report to view a summary of the transactions that executed in the measured IMS Dependent Region. Each detail line summarizes a transaction code with the count of that transaction and the averages for Service time (duration), CPU time, and DL/I calls. The IMS+ feature must be enabled before the measurement. If the DB2+ feature is active, the average SQL calls is reported. If the MQ+ feature is active, the average MQ calls is also reported. The total line sums the transaction counts and reports the average values across all transactions for the other columns.

By default, the detail lines are sorted in ascending transaction code (Name) sequence (SN). You can also request that the data be sorted by transaction count. Enter the SV line command on TranCode heading field to sort by transaction count. The lines are sorted in ascending transaction counts. Entering either SN or SV a second time sorts the lines in the reverse order.

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