Panel navigation
There are two methods you can use to JUMP from panel to panel:
- Type the panel number on the command line and press ENTER.
- Type a slash, immediately followed by the panel number in the first two positions of any input field.
These can be done in a single operation in combination with entry of input to the current panel. For example, you can enter input to Panel 1, place the cursor on the command line, type 2 and press ENTER. The entry to the Panel 1 input fields will be accepted and Panel 2 will appear. The same applies in this example if you type /2 in one of the data input fields. You must, of course, enter this on a field to which you are not specifying other input.
In some cases, automatic panel navigation occurs, for example, entering a jobname pattern will automatically take you to panel 4 to select from a list of active jobs based on that pattern.