Panel 3 - Criteria

After entering the data to describe the measurement request, you use the Criteria panel to specify the Threshold Criteria which will trigger the measurement to run. The panel 3 Criteria panel is shown here.

In this example, when CPU time exceeds 30 seconds, and EXCP count exceeds 20000, the measurement will be triggered.

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R03: Set Threshold Requirements                             Row 00001 of 00005
Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
o 1. Job Information  o 3. Criteria       o 5. Subsystems
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs       6. Sysplex
Panel 3. Threshold Criteria

Enter Threshold Criteria

      CPU Time Exceeds (min:sec) . .  . 30
      Elapsed Time Exceeds (min:sec)  .
      EXCP Count Exceeds . . . . . .  . 20000

If you enter more than one threshold criteria field, then all the
criteria must be met for the measurement to be triggered.