Java report detail window

Once the Java™ source program mapping details have been entered in the A03 panel, the source can be viewed in the detail windows of the Java reports. Display the detail window by entering the “++” line command (or enter key) on the Java Line Number object in the Java report.

A sample Java report detail window with source mapping is shown here:
 File  View  Navigate  Help
|                                                            More:   - +     |
| +--------------- The following report line was selected ---------------+   |
| |     → 00817   line # 817            0.33                             |   |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                            |
|  Package Name     java/lang                                                |
|  Class Name       String                                                   |
|  Method Signature charAt(int) char                                         |
|  Source File Name /u/java/src/java/lang/                        |
|                                                                            |
| LineNo Source Statement                                                    |
|                                                                            |
| 00814       *             string.                                          |
| 00815       */                                                             |
| 00816      public char charAt(int index) {                                 |
| 00817          if ((index < 0) || (index >= count)) {                      |
| 00818              throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);       |
| 00819          }                                                           |
| 00820          return value[index + offset};                               |
| 00821       }                                                              |
| 00822                                                                      |
| 00823       /**                                                            |
| 00824        * Copies characters from this string into the destination char|
| 00825        * array.                                                      |
|                                                                            |