Using a dynamically loaded JVMTI agent
Add the “” runtime parameter to the application being measured, if it is not already set as the system default.
- Java V6 31-bit SR8 (UK56434)
- Java V6 64-bit SR8 (UK56435)
When measuring applications without UID=0, J9VM may write some OPEN access violations in the system log. These can be ignored, as J9VM is attempting to open tmp directories that require UID=0 access. These directories have no significance to Application Performance Analyzer and will not affect the measurement.
If your installation does not run Application Performance Analyzer with USS superuser privileges (UID=0), then you will only be able to measure Java applications that are running under the same UID as Application Performance Analyzer.
For more information about using the Java Attach API, see the User Guide for IBM® SDK for z/OS® for the Java release you are running.