
Use this report to see information about WAIT time that occurred during the processing of SQL requests. The percentage of time is reported for each observed DB2® Plan under which SQL requests were issued. It is expressed as the percentage of the total measurement interval.

In addition, a SETUP option lets you choose to see the WAIT time expressed as a percentage of SQL service time. The two quantification options help answer these questions about SQL processing wait time:
  1. For how much of the overall measurement interval was the address space in a WAIT during SQL processing?
  2. For how much of the SQL processing time was the address space in a WAIT?

You can further expand each DB2 Plan line to see a further breakdown and quantification by individual SQL statements. The SQL statements can be expanded to show the SQL text.

Note: This report shows all SQL calls that were sampled, but when the DB2+ feature is active it will not show SQL calls that were measured by the DB2+ feature but not sampled.