Panel 1 – input fields
- Job Name/Pattern
- This field is mandatory.
It cannot be blank. Specify the name of the job, started task, or
TSO region to be measured.
- Searching for active jobs (*)
- You can specify a job name pattern; for example, a job name prefix followed by an asterisk (*), a job name suffix preceded by an asterisk, or an asterisk by itself. The asterisk indicates that the region to be measured is currently active. A list of active jobs whose names match the wildcard pattern will be displayed in panel 4, where one or more can be selected for measurement.
- Creating multi-job measurements (%)
- You can specify wildcards in order to generate measurements for
multiple jobs in one request. To sample multiple jobs in one request,
use a percent (%) as a wild card character anywhere in the job name.
Multiple percent characters may be used in the job name, such as %A%B% to sample any jobs with A and B in the job name
separated by 0 to many characters. Panel 4 can be used to display
the currently active jobs that will be sampled.
A job name pattern is only permitted in NEW or MOD requests. It is not valid for Threshold or Trigger requests. You can not specify a jobname pattern of “%”. If a pattern is present in the jobname, then the request will automatically be set to only select active jobs.
The multiple job feature only works with jobs that are active. It does not wait for jobs to start. You can schedule a multiple job request to start at a future date and time by using panel 7 Schedule, but only one future event is permitted. The jobs that are active at the scheduled date and time (and matching the wildcard criteria) will be measured.
The maximum number of jobs that can be measured from a multi-job request is defined during the installation of Application Performance Analyzer. When this limit is exceeded, Application Performance Analyzer stops creating measurements for this request and the status of the request is displayed as ‘Stoppd’. The measurements that executed (within the limit) are accessible for report viewing under the request. To increase the limit, contact your system programmer.
- Obtaining DB2® DDF Data
- To obtain DDF data, you must measure the DB2 DDF address space with the DB2+ extractor turned on. The DDF address space is typically named xxxxDIST, where xxxx is the DB2 subsystem name, unless your organization has changed the name. You have the option of limiting the scope of a DDF measurement by specifying filtering criteria in Panel 5 Subsystems. DDF measurements may be filtered by Correlation Id, End User Id, and/or Workstation Id. For more information on measuring DDF activity, refer to Measuring DDF activity.
- Measuring a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function (-)
- To measure a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function, use a dash (-) as the first and only character in the Jobname/Pattern field. The information identifying the DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function must be entered on Panel 5. Subsystems. This feature is only available when the WLM Intercept is activated during Application Performance Analyzer installation, and you are given appropriate security access to it. Contact your system programmer for access if necessary. When measuring a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function, the following measurement options are not applicable and will result in an error if used: Step specification/Multi Steps, Measure to step end, Delay by, Active Jobs, CICS® and IMS™ selection criteria, Schedule and Schedule Options.
- Measuring a specific IMS transaction across multiple MPP regions
- To measure a specific IMS transaction that executes in multiple MPP regions, you must enter a dash (-) as the first and only character in the Jobname/Pattern field. The IMS transaction name and the IMS subsystem name or IMSPLEX group name must be entered on Panel 5 Subsystems. You must also select the MPP regions you want to monitor in Panel 4. Active Jobs. This feature is only available when the IMS Intercept is activated during Application Performance Analyzer installation, and you are given appropriate security access to it. Contact your system programmer for access if necessary. When measuring a specific IMS transaction across multiple MPP regions, the following measurement options are not applicable and are ignored if used: Step specification/Multi Steps, Measure to step end, Delay by, Schedule and Schedule Options.
- Active/Inactive indicator
- When a NEW command is entered, Application Performance Analyzer checks
for and displays the current status of the job, started task, or TSO
region immediately below the jobname. When it is detected as active,
‘Active’ is displayed, otherwise, ‘Inactive’ is displayed. It is only
necessary to use Panel 8 Sched Options if you wish to change the observation
status from that detected by Application Performance Analyzer.
When more than one active job is selected for measurement in Panel 4, the phrase ‘(Active - Multiple Jobs Selected)’ is displayed below the Jobname. In this case, the name listed is the first job selected in Panel 4. You must use Panel 4 to view or change the jobs that are selected for measurement.
- System name
- This
field appears only if the Application Performance Analyzer you
are connected to is configured as a member in a SYSPLEX group. Specify
the name of the system on which the measured job is to run (or is
currently running). Specify an asterisk (*) in this field to indicate
that the job could run on any of the systems in the group.
You can also select panel 6 to display a full list of available system names from which you can make a selection.
- Step Specification Field Group
- Step specification
is not applicable when measuring specific DB2 stored procedures or user-defined functions.
The job step to be measured is specified by a group of four fields (Step Number, Step Program, Step Name, ProcStepName). To identify the step, you can specify one of the following:
- Step Number by itself
- Step Program by itself
- Step Name by itself
- Step Name and ProcStepName
If you leave all of these fields blank, the first job step is assumed. You cannot specify any of these fields when you are specifying measurement of a job that is currently active.
To schedule the measurement of multiple steps in the same job, select panel 3.
- Step No.
- If Step No. is specified, the other three step fields (Step Program,
Step Name, and ProcStepName) must be left blank.
Step No. specifies the numeric step number.
For a NEW measurement, you may enter an asterisk (*) in this field to measure all steps in the job.
For a threshold (TNEW) measurement, you may enter an asterisk (*) in this field to measure all steps in the job that meet the threshold criteria entered in the Criteria panel.
- Step Program
- If Step Program is specified, the other three step fields (Step No., Step Name, and ProcStepName) must be left blank. Program Step specifies the name of the program coded in the PGM= parameter of the EXEC statement for the step you want to measure.
- Step Name
- If Step Name is specified, then Step Number, and Step Program
must be left blank. You can specify Step Name by itself or in combination
with ProcStepName.
Step Name specifies the symbol coded in the name field of an EXEC PGM = statement or an EXEC PROC = statement. In the event that the ProcStep name field is also supplied, this field always identifies the symbol coded in an EXEC PROC = statement.
In the event that the ProcStep name field is left blank, and Step Name matches an EXEC PROC = statement, the first step within that proc will be measured.
If the step to be measured is not within a proc, then Step Name specifies the symbol coded in the name field of an EXEC PGM = statement, and ProcStepName must not be specified.
- ProcStepName
- If ProcStepName is specified, then input must also be supplied
in the Step Name field.
ProcStepName specifies the symbol coded in the name field of an EXEC PGM = statement that is part of a PROC.
- Description
- Enter a description for this observation request. This field is optional unless the option has been set during installation requiring a minimum description of 8 characters.
- Number of Samples
- Specify
the number of times execution of the measured jobstep is to be sampled.
Samples are taken in equal intervals. The sampling frequency is determined
by dividing the number of samples by the specified measurement duration.
If configured during installation, a default value will be displayed
in this field for NEW and TNEW requests. An installation default value
is used if you do not supply input in this field. Note: This field is not used when sampling a DB2 DDF address space with the DB2+ extractor turned on, it will be ignored. In the case of DDF measurement, each SQL call is intercepted for the requested duration, no sampling takes place. The number of samples will always be converted to approximately one per second.
- Measure to step end
- This
field is not applicable when measuring specific DB2 stored procedures or user-defined functions.
Specify 'Y' in this field to indicate that the measurement is to continue to the end of the step even if the specified number of samples has been recorded. Measurement will continue at the sampling rate calculated based on the specified duration and number of samples.
- Duration (min:sec)
- Specify
the duration of the measurement. You can specify the value in seconds
or in minutes and seconds. To specify the duration in minutes and
seconds, separate the minutes value from the seconds value using a
colon. If configured during installation, a default value will be
displayed in this field for NEW and TNEW requests. An installation
default value is used if you do not supply input in this field. Examples:
- 135 specifies 135 seconds
- 2:15 specifies 2 minutes and 15 seconds
- 2: specifies 2 minutes
The measurement will proceed for the specified time and the sampling rate will be established at a frequency that would perform the full number of samples for the specified duration.
The measurement will terminate before the duration ends if the job step ends first.
- Delay by (secs)
- This field is not applicable
when measuring specific DB2 stored
procedures or user-defined functions.
Specify a delay time, in seconds, to occur before initiation of the measurement. The delay will occur starting at the time execution of the job step begins. This cannot be specified for measurement of a job that is currently active.
- Notify TSO User
- Specify a TSO user ID to be notified upon completion of the measurement. Enter blanks in this field for no completion notification.
- Retain file for (days)
- Specify the number of days after completion of the measurement for which the measurement file is to be retained. The file and all information about the measurement will be deleted after this period. Enter blanks or zero in this field for no automatic deletion of the measurement data.
- USS observations
- Specify
the maximum number of spawned address spaces or substeps to measure
for a USS observation, up to the maximum defined in the system configuration.
The same sampling frequency will be used for each spawned address
space or substep. Sampling overhead can be high if several spawned
address spaces are running simultaneously.
When this field is specified, the collection of measurements will be grouped under a USS master record on the Observation List panel.