Report views
The Report view, located next to the Reports List view, displays an individual report selected from the Reports List. This a multiple-instance view, where multiple reports can be opened at once – one view per report, including reports from observation requests other than the active observation. This allows for comparison capabilities of the same report, but from different observations or viewing multiple reports at once.
Each report has a separate view that includes a toolbar and context menu for each instance. A set of accelerator keys is also available, which provides quick keyed access to some of the actions.
The report is organized by two sections: the header and report body. The header section includes a line for the report ID/name and can include non-scrollable report column headings.
The report body is scrollable and includes tree expand/collapse capability. Hyperlinked text is identified when the cursor is changed from a pointer to a hand and can include both expand/collapse functionality (an internal link - within the document) or a link to a separate report. If the link to a separate report is clicked, a new Report view is opened to display the selected report. If an internal link is clicked, the next level of report is expanded. If the link is clicked again, the next level is collapsed.
Some reports include sort functionality, accessible via the context menu of hyperlinked text. The list of sort options is unique for each report. Refer to Context menu for details of the report sort options.
Refer to Performance analysis reports through Java/USS/HFS performance analysis reports for details of the individual reports.