Panel 8 – Sched Options

This panel is not applicable when measuring specific DB2® stored procedures or user-defined functions.

The available fields on panel 8 vary depending on whether “Y” or “N” is entered in the Measure active job (Y/N) field, and whether or not a future schedule has been entered on panel 7.

No Future Schedule and Active YES
When there is no future schedule, and “Y” is entered in the Measure active job (Y/N) field, then no additional fields will appear on panel 8. In this case, specifying “Y” here is an alternative to selecting an active job from a list in panel 4. If you use this method to specify that a job is active, then the jobname entered in panel 1 must be currently active, otherwise the request will fail.
An example of panel 8 for a single occurrence of an active job (i.e., with no future schedule) is shown here:
File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                               Row 00001 of 00004
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems  7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex     8. Sched Options

Panel 8. Schedule Options

Specify if the job is active and is to be measured immediately (Y) or if
IBM APA for z/OS is to wait for the job to be submitted (N):

Measure active job (Y/N) . . . . Y                                            
No Future Schedule and Active NO
When there is no future schedule, and “N” is entered in the Measure active job (Y/N) field, then the field Times to Repeat and Within interval (minutes, days or weeks) will appear.
An example of panel 8 for a single occurrence of an inactive job (i.e., with no future schedule) is shown here:
File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                               Row 00001 of 00011
Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems  7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex     8. Sched Options
Panel 8. Schedule Options

Specify if the job is active and is to be measured immediately (Y) or if
IBM APA for z/OS is to wait for the job to be submitted (N):

Measure active job (Y/N) . . . . N

  Times to repeat measurement . __     If the job runs more than once.

  Within interval (minutes)  . . ___   Maximum 999 minutes.
  or within interval (days)  . . ___   Maximum 22 days.
  or within interval (weeks) . . ___   Maximum 3 weeks.
Future Schedule and Active YES
When entering a future schedule request, selecting “Y” for active means that the job is expected to be active when the measurement takes place. The fields Number of times to retry and Retry interval (minutes) will appear.
An example of panel 8 for an active job with a future schedule is shown here:
File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                               Row 00001 of 00007
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE
o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems  o7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex     o8. Sched Options
Panel 8. Schedule Options                    Input more data or ENTER to submit

Specify if the job to be measured will be active when the scheduling occurs
(e.g. a CICS region) or pending (a batch job).

Job will be active (Y/N) . . . . Y

  Number of times to retry . . . __     Indicate retry action if job is not
  Retry interval (minutes) . . . __     active at the time of scheduling.
Future Schedule and Active NO
When entering a future schedule request, selecting “N” for not active means that the request will wait for the job to start. In this case three additional fields will appear: Expire after (minutes), Times to repeat measurement, and Within interval (minutes).

An example of panel 8 for an inactive job with a future schedule is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                               Row 00001 of 00010
Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems o 7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex      8. Sched Options
Panel 8. Schedule Options

Specify if the job to be measured will be active when the scheduling occurs
(e.g. a CICS region) or pending (a batch job).

Job will be active (Y/N) . . . . N

  Expire after (minutes) . . .  ____    Number of minutes from schedule time
                                        to wait for job to be submitted.

  Times to repeat measurement . __      If the job runs more than once.
  Within interval (minutes) . . ___