Panel 2 – Options

Panel 2 is used to enter extended measurement options (“Data Extractors”), and also to specify additional load libraries or HFS directories to be searched for external symbol information.

Enter a slash “/” beside each of the data extractors required for the measurement. The data extractors are used to measure additional information about CICS®, DB2®, IMS™, Java™, MQSERIES, Adabas, Natural, WebSphere® Application Services and Service Request Blocks. When the CICS, DB2, IMS, or WAS data extractor is specified, further transaction information can be specified in panel 5.

Panel 2 is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                           Row 00001 of 00027
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems     7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
Panel 2. Measurement Options

  Data Extractors. '/'to select extended measurement options:
    CICS  CICS information            CICS+ CICS service/CPU time
    IMS   DLI call information        IMS+  DLI service/CPU time/counts
    MQ    MQ call information         MQ+   MQ service/CPU time/counts
    DB2   SQL call information        DB2+  SQL service/CPU time/counts
    CDB2  Collateral DB2 activity     DB2V  SQL Variables
    DB2X  DB2 EXPLAIN from bind       SRB   SRB Sampling
    Ada   Adabas call information     Nat   Natural information  
    Java  Java information            WAS   WebSphere Activity

 Specify up to 10 load libraries, or up to 440 bytes of HFS directories, to
 search for external symbol information.  The load libraries apply only to
 sampled modules that are fetched from dynamically allocated load libraries.
 The directories apply only to sampled HFS programs that do not have absolute
 path names.  Enter multiple directories separated by at least one space.

        _ Specify L for load libraries, D for directories
     1   ______________________________________________
     2   ______________________________________________
     3   ______________________________________________
     4   ______________________________________________
     5   ______________________________________________
     6   ______________________________________________
     7   ______________________________________________
     8   ______________________________________________
If your installation has configured Application Performance Analyzer to display the maximum number of trace entries for DB2+, IMS+ and MQ+, three additional input fields are displayed in Panel 2 as shown here:
  File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                           Row 00001 of 00027
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems     7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
Panel 2. Measurement Options                 Input more data or ENTER to submit

  Data Extractors. '/'to select extended measurement options:
_   CICS  CICS information          _  CICS+ CICS service/CPU time
/   IMS   DLI call information      /  IMS+  DLI service/CPU time/counts
_   MQ    MQ call information       _  MQ+   MQ service/CPU time/counts
/   DB2   SQL call information      /  DB2+  SQL service/CPU time/counts
_   CDB2  Collateral DB2 activity   _  DB2V  SQL Variables
_   DB2X  DB2 EXPLAIN from bind     _  SRB   SRB Sampling
_   Ada   Adabas call information   _  Nat   Natural information
_   Java  Java information          _  WAS   WebSphere Activity 

50__   DB2+   Maximum number of trace entries in thousands
60__   IMS+   Maximum number of trace entries in thousands
60__   MQ+    Maximum number of trace entries in thousands

 Specify up to 10 load libraries, or up to 440 bytes of HFS directories, to
 search for external symbol information.  The load libraries apply only to
 sampled modules that are fetched from dynamically allocated load libraries.
 The directories apply only to sampled HFS programs that do not have absolute
 path names.  Enter multiple directories separated by at least one space.

        _ Specify L for load libraries, D for directories
     1   ______________________________________________
     2   ______________________________________________
     3   ______________________________________________
     4   ______________________________________________
     5   ______________________________________________
     6   ______________________________________________
     7   ______________________________________________
     8   ______________________________________________
     9   ______________________________________________
    10   ______________________________________________