Detail window

You can enter “++” (or press the enter key) on any line to open a window containing additional information.

A sample detail window for a CICS® command report is shown below. This example shows a CICS task ID:

 File  View  Navigate  Help
|                                                                            |
| +--------------- The following report line was selected ---------------+   |
| |   → 08879    16:05:08.21             0.01   0.01550    0.09    0.0933|   |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                            |
| CPU and Service Time for CICS Transaction                                  |
|    Transaction ID                            TDB2                          |
|    Start Time                                16:05:08.21                   |
|    Stop Time                                 16:05:08.30                   |
|    Task Number                               08879                         |
|    Dispatch Time                             0.04277                       |
|    CPU Time                                  0.01550                       |
|    Suspend Time                              0.05055                       |
|    Dispatch Wait Time                        0.04030                       |
|    File Control Requests                     370064                        |
|    DB2 Requests                              3                             |
|    IMS Requests                              0                             |
|    MQ Requests                               0                             |