
This timeline analysis breaks the observation session duration into a number of (approximately) fixed-length, chronological time intervals. Each line represents one of these intervals. By default, 15 intervals are reported, each representing approximately the same number of samples. This illustrates any progressive resource usage trends. The value under the heading Storage quantify the number of Page Frames, which were allocated to the address space during the interval.

A sample Memory Usage Timeline report is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
S05: Memory Usage Timeline (0644/TSTJOB1)                     Row 00001 of 00015
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

SEQN    Seconds  Storage <----1380K------------------------------------2530K-->
0001      0.069    1548K  =======
0002      0.205    1660K  ============
0003      0.256    2040K  ===========================
0004      0.180    2040K  ===========================
0005      0.184    2040K  ===========================
0006      0.209    2104K  ================================
0007      0.201    2144K  ===================================
0008      0.205    2188K  ======================================
0009      0.205    2280K  =========================================
0010      0.209    2380K  ==============================================
0011      0.227    2404K  ================================================
0012      0.201    2432K  =================================================
0013      0.193    2408K  ================================================
0014      0.214    2176K  ================================
0015      0.111    1556K  ======