Detail window

You can enter “++” (or the Enter key) on any line to display a pop-up window containing additional information. A sample detail window for this report is shown here:

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 |                                                                           |
 | +--------------- The following report line was selected -------------+    |
 | | 0012   GHU DBSCN001   BBSAP011+0E68  49  8.210  44.4%   0.028  4.8%|    |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+    |
 |                                                                           |
 | DL/I Call Information                                                     |
 |    Function code  GHU                   PSB Name         BBSFIN00         |
 |    PCB Name       DBSCN001              IMS Id-Region    IMSP-ADSMPP      |
 |    PCB Number     4                     Call type        CBLTDLI          |
 |    CSECT/module   BBSAP011 in BBSAP011  Offset of call   00000E68         |
 |    Sample count   277                   Call count       49               |
 |    DLI CPU time   0.02                  Service time     8.21             |
 |                                                                           |
 |    SSA/FSA        01 SBSCNTL (CNTLNUM =...)                               |
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