Sample reports

When the report is first displayed, only the first level of the hierarchy is visible (transaction). A sample is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
E05: CICS Total Service Time by Txn (0817/CICS23A)            Row 00001 of 00004
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

                                         -------- Mean Time in Seconds ---------
Name    NTxns Description          Error Execution + Suspend + Delay  =  Service

DNC1     327                      ± 5.5%   33.736     4.419    7.649     45.805
FINQ     295                      ± 5.8%    3.649     0.000    3.379      7.029

You can enter the “+” line command on a transaction to expand to the next level. A sample of the report with a transaction expanded to the second level of the hierarchy (CICS® Program) is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
E05: CICS Total Service Time by Txn (0817/CICS23A)           Row 00001 of 000015
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

                                         -------- Total Time in Seconds --------
Name    NTxns Description          Error Execution + Suspend + Delay  =  Service

DNC1     327                      ± 5.5%   33.736     4.419    7.649     45.805
→ PFSAMPC     EXEC SQL                     15.298     0.000    1.569     16.868
→ DFHD2EX1    CICS Program                  7.159     3.709    0.869     11.738
→ PFSAMPB     EXEC SQL                      3.559     0.000    0.949      4.509
→ CICS        System Services               1.359     0.089    2.799      4.249
→ PFSAMPA     CICS Program                  1.549     0.259    0.769      2.579
→ PFSAMPA     EXEC SQL                      1.569     0.000    0.539      2.109
→ PFSAMPB     CICS Program                  1.319     0.179    0.079      1.579
→ PFSAMPC     CICS Program                  0.829     0.139    0.000      0.969
→ PFSAMPA     EXEC CICS                     0.899     0.009    0.039      0.949
→ CEECCICS    EXEC CICS                     0.149     0.019    0.029      0.199
→ PFSAMPB     EXEC CICS                     0.039     0.009    0.000      0.049

You can enter the “+” line command on a program to expand to the next level. In the sample below, a line with description “EXEC SQL” has been expanded, showing the SQL commands:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
E05: CICS Total Service Time by Txn (0817/CICS23A)            Row 00001 of 00027
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

                                         -------- Total Time in Seconds --------
Name    NTxns Description          Error Execution + Suspend + Delay  =  Service

DNC1     327                      ± 5.5%   33.736     4.419    7.649     45.805
→ PFSAMPC     EXEC SQL                     15.298     0.000    1.569     16.868
  → +1BE2     FETCH                         5.809     0.000    0.579      6.389
  → +662A     FETCH                         2.869     0.000    0.109      2.979
  → +0F52     SELECT                        1.469     0.000    0.239      1.709
  → +6E9C     SELECT                        1.189     0.000    0.129      1.319
  → +1164     SELECT                        1.019     0.000    0.189      1.209
  → +6C4C     SELECT                        0.829     0.000    0.109      0.939
  → +6248     SELECT                        0.809     0.000    0.079      0.889
  → +1588     OPEN                          0.679     0.000    0.059      0.739
  → +64D0     OPEN                          0.389     0.000    0.029      0.419
  → +6752     CLOSE                         0.129     0.000    0.019      0.149
  → +2348     CLOSE                         0.099     0.000    0.019      0.119