Sample reports

A sample report is shown here. It has been expanded to the second level.

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J09: Java Service Time by Package (0116/JVMTST01)             Row 00001 of 01831
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

JavaId  Pkg/Cls/Mthd                 Percent of Time * 10.00%   ±2.4%
00002   java/lang                   33.01 =================
→ 00104   StrictMath                16.50 ========
→ 00029   Math                      12.87 ======
→ 00005   ClassLoader                1.01 =
→ 00010   String                     0.65
→ 00017   ClassLoader$NativeLibrar   0.47
→ 00040   StringBuffer               0.29
→ 00096   Thread                     0.29
→ 00021   Runtime                    0.11
→ 00022   System                     0.11
→ 00077   Character                  0.11
→ 00057   Class                      0.11
→ 00097   Shutdown                   0.11
→ 00001   Object                     0.05
→ 00047   StringCoding               0.05
→ 00049   StringCoding$DecoderCach   0.05
→ 00079   Throwable                  0.05
→ 00103   FloatingDecimal            0.05

00020   com/baseamps/sample          28.84 ================
→ 00102   Burner                     28.84 ================