Status line

Located at the bottom of the application window, the status line includes a shortcut tool bar for FastView buttons (left corner) and displays three categories of status information:
  • View status (left-side)
  • Application status (center)
  • Job progress status (right-side)
FastView is a feature that provides docking and undocking of views. If Fastview is selected for a view, its icon is displayed as a button in the shortcut toolbar area of the status line. Refer to View navigation for details on setting the view as a Fastview.

View status information includes the display of the number of observations and filtering options when the Observations List view is active. The cursor location from the Report View (line, column) is also displayed when a Report View is active.

Application status information includes Local when the local repository is active and Remote when the z/OS® Application Performance Analyzer is connected and the remote repository is active. A green dot is displayed for unsecure remote connections and a green dot with a padlock is displayed for secure (SSL) connections. The application status display can be customized in the ‘Appearance Preferences’ to include the TSO id, Host Address and/or Host Port.

Job progress information is displayed when a long-running task is active, for example, downloading data or formatting a large report.