DL/I call detail line

This is the second-level detail line. Each line shows information about a DL/I call for which execution was observed under the transaction.
Under Heading This is Displayed
Tran/PCB The name of the PCB referenced by the indicated DL/I call.
PSB/DBD The DBD name for the DL/I call for database calls.
PCBNum The relative PCB number of the PCB referenced by the DL/I call.
Func The DL/I function code.
DL/I Call Count: Total The total number of occurrences of the indicated DL/I call counted for all executions of the transaction during the measurement interval.
DL/I Call Count: Minimum The minimum number of occurrences of the indicated DL/I call observed in a single execution of the transaction during the measurement interval.
DL/I Call Count: Maximum The maximum number of occurrences of the indicated DL/I call observed in a single execution of the transaction during the measurement interval.
DL/I Call Count: Average The average number of occurrences of the indicated DL/I call per transaction during the measurement interval.