Line commands for report navigation

You enter a line command directly in an input field in the body of a report. The line commands are usually typed directly over the text of the field, such as a column heading, or a data field in the report. Input fields where you can enter line commands are always underlined.

Many of Application Performance Analyzer's performance analysis reports contain input fields on which you can enter various line commands. Generally, you can enter line commands on quantified detail lines on the field under the “Name” heading.

The allowable line commands vary depending on the type of detail line. But, in all cases by entering “/” you can request the display of a Context Menu, which will present a list of the allowable line commands for that input field. The generally available line commands are summarized here, followed by details about each command.

“/” Context menu

Enter a slash “/” to display a context menu in a pop-up panel. The context menu lists the line commands that are available for that field. In addition, you are able to select the line command function directly from the context menu.

A sample context menu is shown below:

Enter S to select a function from this menu.  The line
command (Yellow) can also be entered on the main panel.

Sel  To Perform the Following               LineCmd

 _ display context help information         ?
 _ show additional details about this line  ++
 _ expand to reveal next level entries      +
 _ collapse to hide next level entries      -
 _ sort next level entries by value         SV
 _ sort next level entries by name          SN
“?” HELP
For context help information about the field, or report line, enter a question mark “?”. Alternatively, you can press the PF1 key with the cursor positioned on the input field.
“+” Expand
Enter a plus sign “+” on a report detail line to expand the report to reveal additional detail lines which are at the next hierarchical level under the selected line. This offers a means of breaking down one quantified item into greater detail.

For example, consider the following line item which quantifies CPU time in System/OS Services:

SYSTEM     System/OS Services       44.30 ============================

Type a plus sign in the name field – SYSTEM:

±YSTEM     System/OS Services       44.30 ============================

Press the ENTER key and the item will be expanded as illustrated here:

SYSTEM     System/OS Services       44.30 ============================
→ SVC        SVC Routines           42.14 ==========================
→ MVS        MVS System             2.06 ==
→ NUCLEUS    Nucleus Modules         0.06
→ IMS        IMS Subsystem           0.03

The plus sign (+) entered on the Name heading field will fully expand the entire report to show the full hierarchy of detail.

The plus sign (+) entered on the Description heading will expand the width of the description field. The plus sign (+) entered on the heading for the scale (histogram) will 'zoom in' the scale.

You can also use this line command in the “+n” format , where “n” is the number of levels to expand. On the Description heading, this allows you to expand the width of the description field by a specific number of characters, for example “+12” will widen the field by 12 characters.

“++” Additional details
Enter “++” on a report detail line to display detailed information about the selected item. A pop-up panel will appear in which this information is displayed. The nature of the information displayed in these pop-up panels varies widely depending on the type of item selected.
Note: As a shortcut, you can also simply press the Enter key on an item, it will be treated as if you had entered “++”.

As an example, consider the I/O Analysis by DDNAME report:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
D02: DASD Usage Time by DDNAME (0723/TSTJOB01)                Row 00001 of 00003
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

DDName>Cyl   Volume>Unit        Percent of Time * 10.00%  ±1.6%
VSAM1-02      BKNSM2           31.16 ================
OUTFILE       BKNSM2            1.16 ==
INFILE        BKNSM1            0.05

Additional detail about the DDNAME VASM1-02, for example, can be displayed by typing ++ (or just pressing Enter) in that field:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
D02: DASD Usage Time by DDNAME (0723/TSTJOB01)                Row 00001 of 00003
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

DDName>Cyl   Volume>Unit        Percent of Time * 10.00%  ±1.6%
++AM1-02      BKNSM2           31.16 ================
OUTFILE       BKNSM2            1.16 ==
INFILE        BKNSM1            0.05

A pop-up panel with detailed information will appear. (This pop-up panel is scrollable, more information is available by scrolling down with PF8):

  File  View  Navigate  Help
 |                                                            More:    +     |
 | +--------------- The following report line was selected --------------+   |
 | | VSAM1-02      BKNSM2           31.16 ================               |   |
 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
 |                                                                           |
 | Calculation Details                                                       |
 |    The 31.16% quantification represents 1,174 measurements                |
 |    of DASD I/O unit activity for the DDNAME VSAM1-02 from                 |
 |    a total of 3767 overall measurements. This is the                      |
 |    percentage of the measured run time I/O                                |
 |    was observed for this dataset.                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | VSAM file VSAM1(2) OPENed at 9:36:17.72 Wednesday Mar 24 2004             |
 |                                                                           |
 |    DDNAME               VSAM1                                             |
 |    Open Intent          KEY,DIR,OUT                                       |
 |    Dataset Name         USER1.DATA.TESTPF.DAT                             |
 |    Storage Class        BKNSMS                                            |
 |    Device Type          3390                                              |
 |    % Free Bytes in CI   10%                      Initial       Last       |
 |    Volume Serial        BKNSM2   CI Splits        0             0         |
 |    CI Size              8,192    CA Splits        0             0         |
 |    Record Size (LRECL)  80       Logical Records  1             3,641     |
 |    Number of Extents    1        Deleted Records  0             1         |
 |    SHAREOPTIONS         (1 3)    Insrted Records  0             0         |
 |    Organization         KSDS     Retrved Records  0             1         |
 |    CIs per CA           78       Updated Records  0             0         |
 |    Free CIs per CA      11       Byter Free Space 1,908,736     1,622,016 |
 |    Free Bytes per CI    819      Number of EXCPs  Z             Z,ZZZ     |
 |    % Free CIs in CA     15%                                               |
 |    Strings              1                                                 |
 |    DATA Buffers         0                                                 |
 |    INDEX Buffers        0                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | Index Component of VSAM1(2)                                               |
 |                                                                           |
“–” Collapse
Enter a minus sign “–” on a report detail line to collapse (hide) all items under the selected line which are at the next hierarchical level of detail.

The minus sign entered on the Name heading field will collapse the entire report so that only items in the first level of the hierarchy are visible.

The minus sign entered on the Description heading will reduce the width of the description field.

The minus sign entered on the heading for the scale (histogram) will “zoom out” the scale.

“SV” Sort by Value
Enter “SV” to sort detail lines by value. When this is entered on a detail line, detail lines under the selected line – at the next hierarchical level – will be sorted by value. Entering the “SV” command repeatedly will toggle between sorting in descending and ascending values.

Enter “SV” on the 'Name' heading field to sort the first level items by value.

“SN” Sort by Name
Enter “SN” to sort detail lines by name. When this is entered on a detail line, detail lines under the selected line — at the next hierarchical level — will be sorted by name.
Entering the “SN” command repeatedly will toggle between sorting in descending and ascending names. Enter “SN” on the "Name" heading field to sort the first level items by name.
Note: The line commands listed above are not a comprehensive list of all that are available in the various reports. See the documentation for each report, or enter a “/” to get a context menu in any input field in any report.