
The trigger request feature is used to allow the start of one scheduled measurement to trigger an additional measurement called the Trigger measurement. For example, you might want to have the beginning of a batch job-step measurement initiate a measurement of a particular CICS region. You must enter the original scheduled measurement request first, and then the trigger measurement.

A threshold request can be used to trigger another measurement. For example, you might want a job-step that exceeds the threshold criteria to also initiate a measurement of a particular CICS region. In the case of a multi-step threshold request, only the first step that exceeds the threshold criteria initiates the trigger request.

A trigger request cannot be created to measure a specific DB2 Stored Procedure and multiple IMS address spaces.

It is important to be familiar with the preceding information in this chapter before using the Trigger feature. The Trigger request process uses most of the panels described in the previous sections and the information is not repeated here.