General preferences

General preferences include general purpose view property settings.


Table 1. General preferences and descriptions
Preference Description
Default Sort Sequence Order to sequence the observations in the Observations List view

Default: ReqNum

Prompt before deleting an Observation? Prompt (confirmation) is displayed prior to deleting an observation.

Default: checked

Prompt before deleting a Sticky Note Prompt (confirmation) will be displayed prior to deleting a sticky note

Default: checked

Launch XML in the default viewer Downloaded XML reports will be automatically launched in the default desktop XML viewer.

Default: checked

Launch PDF in the default viewer Downloaded PDF reports will be automatically launched in the default desktop PDF viewer (Adobe Acrobat).

Default: unchecked

Prompt for confirmation before submitting a new observation Prompt (confirmation) will be displayed prior to submitting a new observation request.

Default: unchecked

Prompt for confirmation before cancelling a new observation Prompt (confirmation) will be displayed prior to cancelling a new observation request.

Default: unchecked

Suppress warnings on input fields Suppress warnings (yellow light) on input fields for a new observation request.

Default: unchecked

Translate CICS® transaction codes to upper-case Translate/transform CICS transaction codes to upper-case.

Default: checked