Example of creating a Future Schedule

If a user wanted to measure a job every Wednesday night at 8:00 pm, and every Friday night at 11:00 pm, for 10 weeks, starting on Wednesday Dec. 8, 2004, it would be set up like this:
  1. Enter the first Wednesday date in the Date (yy mm dd) field: 04 12 08.
  2. Enter 10 in the Repeat __ times field.
  3. Enter 20:00 in the Time (hh mm) field.
  4. Enter 7 in the After __ days field. (To indicate that is repeats each 7 days).

    The screen would look like this:

      File  View  Navigate  Help
    R03: Schedule New Measurement                                 Row 00001 of 00015
    Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
    o 1. Job Information  o 3. Multi Steps   o 5. Subsystems     7. Schedule
    o 2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
    Panel 7. Schedule
     Date/time of first in sequence         Measurement repetitions
      Date (yy mm dd) . 04 12 08             Repeat  . . 10 times
      Time (hh mm)  . . 20 00                After . . . 7_ days ___ minutes
     Use this panel to specify a schedule for repetitions of the measurement.
     Input the above fields and press ENTER to generate dates and times for
     each of the measurements. These dates/times will be shown below in a
     scrollable table which you can add to by repeating this input process.

    Then press Enter to generate the schedule, it will appear at the bottom of the panel like this:

      File  View  Navigate  Help
    R03: Schedule New Measurement                                 Row 00001 of 00015
    Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
    o 1. Job Information  o 3. Multi Steps   o 5. Subsystems   o 7. Schedule
    o 2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
    Panel 7. Schedule
     Date/time of first in sequence         Measurement repetitions
      Date (yy mm dd) . __ __ __             Repeat  . . __ times
      Time (hh mm)  . . __ __                After . . . __ days ___ minutes
     Measurement Schedule  (/ for line command list, UP/DOWN to scroll)
       SeqN   Date/Time              Status
       0001   Wed Dec-08-04 20:00    Pending ADD
       0002   Wed Dec-15-04 20:00    Pending ADD
       0003   Wed Dec-22-04 20:00    Pending ADD
       0004   Wed Dec-29-04 20:00    Pending ADD
       0005   Wed Jan-05-05 20:00    Pending ADD
       0006   Wed Jan-12-05 20:00    Pending ADD
       0007   Wed Jan-19-05 20:00    Pending ADD
       0008   Wed Jan-26-05 20:00    Pending ADD
       0009   Wed Feb-02-05 20:00    Pending ADD
       0010   Wed Feb-09-05 20:00    Pending ADD
       ********** End of Schedule *********

    Now enter similar data for the Friday night schedule like this:

  5. Enter the first Friday date in the Date (yy mm dd) field: 04 12 10.
  6. Enter 10 in the Repeat __ times field.
  7. Enter 23:00 in the Time (hh mm) field.
  8. Enter 7 in the After __ days field. (To indicate that is repeats each 7 days).

Press Enter and your Friday dates will appear with the Wednesday dates already generated like this:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                                 Row 00001 of 00015
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

o 1. Job Information  o 3. Multi Steps   o 5. Subsystems   o 7. Schedule
o 2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
Panel 7. Schedule
 Date/time of first in sequence         Measurement repetitions
  Date (yy mm dd) . __ __ __             Repeat  . . __ times
  Time (hh mm)  . . __ __                After . . . __ days ___ minutes

 Measurement Schedule  (/ for line command list, UP/DOWN to scroll)
   SeqN   Date/Time              Status
   0001   Wed Dec-08-04 20:00    Pending ADD
   0002   Fri Dec-10-04 23:00    Pending ADD
   0003   Wed Dec-15-04 20:00    Pending ADD
   0004   Fri Dec-17-04 23:00    Pending ADD
   0005   Wed Dec-22-04 20:00    Pending ADD
   0006   Fri Dec-24-04 23:00    Pending ADD
   0007   Wed Dec-29-04 20:00    Pending ADD
   0008   Fri Dec-31-04 23:00    Pending ADD
   0009   Wed Jan-05-05 20:00    Pending ADD
   0010   Fri Jan-07-05 23:00    Pending ADD
   0011   Wed Jan-12-05 20:00    Pending ADD
   0012   Fri Jan-14-05 23:00    Pending ADD
   0013   Wed Jan-19-05 20:00    Pending ADD
   0014   Fri Jan-21-05 23:00    Pending ADD
   0015   Wed Jan-26-05 20:00    Pending ADD
   0016   Fri Jan-28-05 23:00    Pending ADD
   0017   Wed Feb-02-05 20:00    Pending ADD
   0018   Fri Feb-04-05 23:00    Pending ADD
   0019   Wed Feb-09-05 20:00    Pending ADD
   0020   Fri Feb-11-05 23:00    Pending ADD
   ********** End of Schedule *********

Your schedule dates have now all been generated. Also see panel 8 below for additional data regarding future schedules.

Note: If you are entering a multiple job request (using the % wildcard in the job name field), then you can only set one date and time. No repetitions are allowed.