Performance analysis reports

This section describes the Performance Analysis Reports. Some basic concepts are covered, and the base reports (those not pertaining to a data extractor) are described.

For Performance Analysis Reports pertaining to a specific data extractor (CICS®, IMS™, DB2®, etc.), refer to the chapter for the specific data extractor.

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General concepts required for interpreting these reports Performance analysis basics
Report categories and codes Report categories and codes
S01 Measurement profile S01 - Measurement profile
S02 Load module attributes S02 - Load module attributes
S03 Load module summary S03 - Load module summary
S04 TCB summary S04 - TCB summary
S05 Memory usage timeline S05 - Memory usage timeline
S06 Data space usage timeline S06 - Data space usage timeline
S07 TCB execution summary S07 - TCB execution summary
S08 Processor utilization summary S08 - Processor utilization summary
S09 Measurement analysis S09 - Measurement analysis
S10 Observation Session Messages S10 - Observation Session Messages
C01 CPU usage by category C01 - CPU usage by category
C02 CPU usage by module C02 - CPU usage by module
C03 CPU usage by code slice C03 - CPU usage by code slice
C04 CPU usage timeline C04 - CPU usage timeline
C05 CPU Usage by task/category C05 - CPU usage by task/category
C06 CPU Usage by task/module C06 - CPU usage by task/module
C07 CPU usage by procedure C07 - CPU usage by procedure
C08 CPU usage referred attribution C08 - CPU usage referred attribution
C09 CPU Usage by PSW/object code C09 - CPU usage by PSW/object code
C10 CPU Usage by Natural Program C10 - CPU Usage by Natural Program
W01 WAIT time by task/category W01 - WAIT time by task/category
W02 WAIT time by module W02 - WAIT time by task/module
W03 WAIT time referred attribution W03 - WAIT time referred attribution
W04 WAIT time by task ENQ/RESERVE W04 - WAIT time by task ENQ/RESERVE
W05 WAIT time by tape DDNAME W05 - WAIT time by tape DDNAME
D01 DASD usage by device D01 - DASD usage by device
D02 DASD usage by DDNAME D02 - DASD usage by DDNAME
D03 DASD usage by data set D03 - DASD usage by data set
D04 data set attributes D04 - Data set attributes
D05 DASD EXCP summary D05 - DASD EXCP summary
D06 DASD VSAM statistics D06 - DASD VSAM statistics
D07 DASD activity timeline D07 - DASD activity timeline
D08 DASD I/O wait time D08 - DASD I/O wait time
D09 VSAM buffer pool usage D09 - VSAM buffer pool usage
G01 Coupling facility summary G01 - Coupling facility summary
G02 Coupling facility mean times G02 - Coupling facility mean times
G03 Coupling facility total times G03 - Coupling facility total times
K01 CPU SRB Usage by SRB Type K01- CPU SRB Usage by SRB Type
K02 CPU SRB Usage by PSW/ObjCode K02- CPU SRB Usage by PSW/ObjCode
V01 Measurement variance summary V01 - Measurement variance summary
V02 CICS variance summary V02 - CICS variance summary
V03 DB2 variance summary V03 - DB2 variance summary
V04 IMS variance summary V04 - IMS variance summary