Sample reports

When the report is first displayed, only the first level of the hierarchy is visible (transaction). A sample is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
X01: CICS Mean Service Time by Txn (1682/CICS32A)             Row 00001 of 00002
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

                                          -------- Mean Time in Seconds --------
Name   NTxns Description         Error  Execution  + Suspend + Delay  =  Service

RDDR       2                     ±71.4%    0.359     16.333    0.809     17.502
READ     680                     ± 3.8%    0.020      2.860    0.068      2.950

You can enter the + line command on a transaction to expand to the next level. A sample of the report with a transaction expanded to the third level of the hierarchy (CICS® Region Applid and CICS Program) is shown here:
  File  View  Navigate  Help
X01: CICS Mean Service Time by Txn (1682/CICS32A)             Row 00001 of 00010
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

                                          -------- Mean Time in Seconds --------
Name   NTxns Description         Error  Execution  + Suspend + Delay  =  Service

RDDR       2                    ±71.4%     0.359     16.333    0.809     17.502
→ CICS32A     Region Applid                0.119     16.333    0.749     17.202
 →  READDRVR   EXEC CICS                   0.119     16.333    0.749     17.202

→ CICS32B     Region Applid                0.031      0.000    0.007      0.039
 →  DFHMIRS    EXEC CICS                   0.021      0.000    0.001      0.023
 →  DFHMIRS    CICS Program                0.005      0.000    0.003      0.009
 →  CICS       System Services             0.003      0.000    0.001      0.005