
This timeline analysis breaks the observation session duration into a number of (approximately) fixed-length, chronological time intervals. Each line represents one of these intervals. By default, 15 intervals are reported, each representing approximately the same number of samples. This illustrates any progressive CPU usage trends, such as blocks of intensive consumption or long periods of waits. The percentage value and the graph quantify CPU usage for an interval. The percentage is derived by dividing the number of samples CPU activity was observed by the number of samples in the interval. This, effectively, is the percentage of time the CPU was executing instructions.

A sample CPU Usage Timeline report is shown here:

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C04: CPU Usage Timeline (0656/TSTJOB01)                       Row 00001 of 00015
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

SEQN    Seconds  Sig    Percent of Interval * 10.00%  ±1.1%
0001     10.324  69% 19.08 ========
0002      9.114  64% 49.55 =======================
0003      8.667  70% 70.82 ==================================
0004      9.153  83% 43.65 ====================
0005      9.161  77% 39.36 =================
0006      9.094  70% 35.46 ===============
0007      8.791  75% 41.95 ==================
0008      7.424  89% 12.18 =====
0009      6.988  76% 63.63 =============================
0010      6.741  71% 64.83 =============================
0011      6.475  75% 70.12 ================================
0012      6.467  73% 68.43 ==============================
0013      6.465  71% 67.03 ==============================
0014      6.422  75% 70.42 ================================
0015      6.446  72% 64.60 =============================