Detail line descriptions
Each line reports values under the following headings.
- TCB Name
- Address
- Samples
- CPU Active
- Queued
- TCB Name
- This is the name of the program associated with the task; the
one specified to the ATTACH function. An index value is also appended
to the name. This is a sequence number that Application Performance Analyzer assigned
to each unique TCB that it observed. The value is useful for distinguishing
between more than one TCB with the same name (same program ATTACHed).
For CICS® measurements that have the CICS data extractor selected, the TCB mode will be displayed for CICS TCBs. This will immediately follow the TCB name.
- Address
- This is the address of the TCB. Only 6 hexadecimal digits are shown as TCBs always reside below the 16MB line.
- Samples
- This is the number of samples in which the TCB was observed.
- CPU Active
- This is the number of samples in which the CPU was active (instruction execution was in progress) in this TCB.
- This is the number of samples in which the Task was waiting.
- Queued
- This is the number of samples in which the TCB was observed in Queued status; it was ready to execute but no CPU was available.