Detail line descriptions

Code Slice
This line represents a block (or “slice”) of contiguous bytes of object code for which CPU execution is quantified. The number of times CPU execution was observed within this block is expressed as a percentage of the total number of CPU execution observations.

The hexadecimal address of the beginning of the slice is shown under the Address heading. The size of the slice, in bytes, is shown under the Size heading. If possible, the address of the beginning of the slice is expressed in the form CSECT+offset, or Module+offset, under the Location heading.

Source program mapping can be accessed from this line by entering a “p” line command.

Code Address
These lines are displayed as subordinate lines under the appropriate Code Slice line and show individual addresses at which execution was observed. The number of times execution was observed at such an address is expressed as a percentage of the total number of CPU execution observations.

Source program mapping can be accessed from this line by entering a “p” line command.