SETUP options

Enter the SETUP primary command to select options for this report. The following pop-up window will be displayed:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
D |     Options for DASD Activity Timeline                    | 001 of 00000
C |                                                           | ll ===> CSR
  |     Enter "/" to select an option                         |
  |       /  Omit files for which no I/O was observed         |
  |          during the measurement interval. Unselect        |
  |          to include all files.                            |
  |                                                           |
  |                                                           |
  |                                                           |
  |                                                           |
  |                                                           |
  |                                                           |

Select this option to omit from the report files for which no activity took place. This is the default option. Deselect this option to display all files, which will typically result in the display of numerous empty graphs.