Source program mapping preferences

Source Program Mapping preferences include property settings related to downloading and viewing details for a source program.
Figure 1. Source program mapping preferences
Table 1. Source program mapping preferences and descriptions
Preference Description
Number of adjacent lines to display This specifies the number of statements without measured activity to be displayed before/after lines with activity.

Default: 2

Display ALL source program statements (otherwise only those at or near statements with measured activity are displayed)

Default: unchecked

Include assembler object code Includes assembler object code in the display

Default: unchecked

Show statement count graphically Displays statement count as a graph.

Default: checked

Show detailed information in heading Includes detailed heading information in the display.

Default: unchecked

Show C/C++ pseudo-assembly Includes C/C++ pseudo-assembly in the display.

Default: unchecked

Display values as a percent (not applicable to all reports)

Default: unchecked