SECTION parameter descriptions
The SECTION statement parameters are described in the following list. They are presented in alphabetical keyword sequence.
- This parameter applies to report sections that can attribute measured system activity to Adabas while it is processing Adabas calls. Specify Y to display measurements in routines that were processing Adabas calls in a separate ADABAS category.
- AdjLines
- Specifies the number of adjacent source lines. This applies to the reporting of source program lines and attribution of system activity to source statements. Source statements for which system activity is measured will be reported, but those statements for which no activity is measured are normally omitted. The value of this parameter specifies the number of source lines immediately preceding and following any line with measured activity that are also to be included in the report. This helps provide some context for isolated source lines with measured activity.
- AllSource
- This applies to the reporting of source program lines. A value of Y specifies that all source lines are to be shown in the report, including those for which no system activity is attributed. A value of Y in this parameter overrides any value specified in the AdjLines parameter. Specify N to control which lines are reported using the AdjLines parameter.
- AsmObj
- This applies to the reporting of source program lines for an assembler program. Specify Y to include object code (from the assembly listing) in each source line. Specify N to omit object code.
- Datamg
- This parameter applies to report sections that attribute measured system activity to the data management processing category. Specify Y to display measurements in routines that were servicing data management requests in a separate DATAMG category. This includes basic access functions (such as READ and WRITE) to files. Processing of OPEN and CLOSE functions is not included in this category.
- DPAGroup
- This parameter applies to report sections that attribute measured system activity to program categories. This attribution can be done to Groups or Subgroups. A group is a higher level (more inclusive) categorization than a subgroup. For example, activity in DB2® modules can be attributed to the group “DB2 Subsystem” or, alternatively, to subgroups such as “Buffer Manager,” “Call Attachment Facility,” “Data Manager,” etc. Specify DPAGroup=Y to attribute to group and DPAGroup=N to attribute to subgroup.
- Header
- This applies to the P01 source program report. A value of Y specifies that detailed information about the source program is to appear in the heading area in each page in the report section. This information includes: source mapping file name and type, compile date and time, compiler product and version.
- Intervals
- This applies to “timeline” report sections in which measurement information is reported in equal time intervals. It specifies the number of intervals into which the report section is to be divided, which is generally, one line per interval. The value must be between 2 and 256.
- Levels
- This applies to report sections in which lines are arranged in a hierarchy. The value, a single numeric digit: 0 to 9, specifies the number of hierarchical levels to be included in the report. These are equivalent to the ISPF report line items in which the “+” line command is used to expand the hierarchy.
- Minimum
- This applies to report sections that allow you to exclude measurements of objects when those measurement values are below the specified minimum. The unit is percentage and is expressed as two digits, followed by an optional decimal point and up to two decimal places.
- This applies to report sections where DPA descriptions are reported. The MLD=Y parm is used to specify that Multi Line Descriptions should be printed, so that you can see all of the description text. MLD=N specifies that Multi Line Descriptions should not be printed, in which case only one line per module/csect will be printed, and the description will be truncated if it does not fit on one line.
- MsgD
- This applies to report sections that display Application Performance Analyzer messages. Specify Y to display diagnostic level messages.
- MsgE
- This applies to report sections that display Application Performance Analyzer messages. Specify Y to display severe level and error level messages.
- MsgI
- This applies to report sections that display Application Performance Analyzer messages. Specify Y to display informational level messages.
- MsgW
- This applies to report sections that display Application Performance Analyzer messages. Specify Y to display warning level messages.
- negSQL
- This applies to report sections where CPU/Service time is reported by SQL statement. Specify Y to include SQL statements that end in a negative SQLCODE.
- Oftotal
- This applies to report sections in which SQL wait time is reported. Specify Y to quantify wait time as a percentage of total measurement interval. Specify N to quantify as a percentage of the SQL service time.
- OmitCPU
- This parameter applies to reports where CPU activity is attributed to program procedures. Specify Y to exclude procedures for which no CPU activity was measured, N to include them.
- Omitdup
- This parameter applies to report sections in which load modules are reported. A value of Y specifies that modules that have been reloaded at a new address, but have the same name and size to be reported only once.
- OmitESD
- This applies to report sections in which detailed information about load modules is reported. A value of Y specifies that ESD (External Symbol Dictionary) information is not to be reported.
- OmitEXCP
- This applies to report sections in which the number of EXCPs or read/write count is reported for files or devices. Specify Y to exclude files or devices for which no EXCPs or read/writes were counted, or specify N to include them.
- OmitNUC
- This applies to report sections in which load modules are reported. A value of Y specifies that Nucleus modules are to be excluded from the report.
- OmitPLPA
- This applies to report sections in which load modules are reported. A value of Y specifies that PLPA (Pageable Link Pack Area) modules are to be excluded from the report.
- Percent
- This applies to the source mapping report section - P01. Specify Y to display the values for the source statement as a percentage, or specify N to display values as a count. This is only applicable when source mapping a report that shows percentages.
- posSQL
- This applies to report sections where CPU/Service time is reported by SQL statement. Specify Y to include SQL statements that end successfully; that is, with a zero or positive SQLCODE.
- Program
- This applies to the source mapping report section (P01). It specifies the name of the source program to reported.
- Pseudo
- This applies to the source mapping report section - P01. Specify Y to display C/C++ pseudo-assembly.
- Sequence
- This specifies the sequence in which items in the report are to
be sorted. Possible values for this parameter are listed below. Not
all values are appropriate for each report.
- ADDRESS to sort in ascending sequence by load module address
- CPU to sort in descending sequence by SQL CPU time
- DSN to sort in ascending sequence by dataset name
- DURATION to sort in descending sequence by SQL call duration or service time
- FILE to sort in ascending sequence by DDName
- LIBRARY/LOADLIB to sort in ascending sequence by load library name
- LOCATION to sort in ascending sequence by the address of the start of the code slice in the form of csect or module plus offset
- NAME to sort in ascending sequence by item name
- SERVICE to sort in descending sequence by service time
- SIZE to sort in ascending sequence by load module size
- THREAD to sort chronologically by DB2 thread
- VALUE to sort in descending sequence by amount of measured activity
- ShowDB2
- This parameter applies to report sections that can attribute measured system activity to DB2 while it is processing SQL requests. Specify Y to display measurements in routines that were processing SQL requests in a separate DB2SQL category.
- ShowIMS
- This parameter applies to report sections that can attribute measured system activity to IMS™ while it is processing DLI calls. Specify Y to display measurements in routines that were processing DLI calls in a separate IMSDLI category.
- ShowInact
- This parameter is generally applicable to report sections that present information by TCB (Task). A value of Y (normally the default) specifies that information for inactive tasks is to be included in the report. An inactive task is one which was observed to be in a wait state for the full duration of the observation session.
- SliceSize
- This parameter applies to report sections that present information by code slice (block of storage containing object code). Use this parameter to vary the code slice size. A code slice size value must be between 4 and 99992 and must be an even value that is divisible by 4.
- stmtPct
- This parameter applies to DB2 reports that display mean times. When ‘Y’ is specified, the mean times are replaced with the percent of total used.
- stmtSQL
- This applies to report sections where CPU/Service time is reported by SQL statement. Specify Y to consolidate dynamic SQL statements by statement number, ignoring differences in SQL statement text. When ‘Y’ is specified, one line is displayed per statement number regardless of the contents of the SQL statement text. When ‘N’ is specified, one line is displayed for each unique dynamic SQL statement.
- SysView
- This applies to the CPU usage referred attribution report to indicate how the data is to be displayed. When ‘N’ is specified, data is referred back to the application modules. When ‘Y’ is specified, data is referred back to the system modules.
- This parameter applies to the CPU SRB Usage by SRB Type report. When ‘Y’ is specified, CPU percentages are calculated as a percentage of TCB and SRB counts. When ‘N’ is specified, CPU percentages are calculated as a percentage of SRB counts only.
- Totals
- This applies to report sections where total values can be displayed graphically, in addition to usage values. Specify Y to report on usage and total values.