Detail line descriptions

Each line represents a System Object - an object to which measured activity is attributed. These lines are arranged hierarchically. You can expand a line (using the “+” line command) to reveal a breakdown into subordinate objects. Each type of object shown in this report is described here:
This is the highest level object in the report. Each active Task is reported. The percentage of the total measured CPU time which was measured in this Task is reported. A SETUP option is available that specifies that all Tasks, including inactive tasks, are to be displayed.
Name Column
The name of the program specified in the ATTACH macro that started the task as well as the TCB index number is shown.
Description Column
The TCB address is shown. For CICS® measurements that have the CICS data extractor selected, the TCB mode is displayed for CICS TCBs. This immediately follows the TCB address.
Load Module
Name Column
The load module name appears under this heading.
Description Column
If a DPA functional description is found for the module name, it is reported under this heading. Otherwise “Application Program” is displayed.
CSECT (Control Section)
These lines can appear as subordinate, breakdown items under a load module line. If Application Performance Analyzer was able to find ESD (External Symbol Dictionary) information, during the measurement process, for a load module, these items will appear under the load module and the measured wait time will be attributed to them.
Name Column
The CSECT name appears under this heading.
Description Column
This will display “CSECT in xxxxxxxx” where xxxxxxxx is the name of the load module to which the CSECT belongs.
Unresolved Address
This item attributes wait time to a range of addresses for which a corresponding load module name could not be determined.
Name Column
Activity observed in a 4096 (4K) byte range of addresses is reported in an Unresolved Address line. This range is expressed in the format “HHHHHxxx” where HHHHH are the 5 high order hexadecimal digits of the address. For example: “08915xxx” means the range from 08915000 to 08915FFF.
Description Column
“Unresolved Address” appears under this heading. A sample report is shown here. File

A sample report is shown here.

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W02: WAIT Time by Module (0651/TSTJOB01)                      Row 00001 of 00017
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description           Percent of Time in WAIT * 10.00%  ±0.8%
IKJEFT01-004 TCB=008FF6E0       100.00 =========================================
IKJEFT02-005 TCB=008E1640       100.00 =========================================
IKJEFT09-006 TCB=008E1328       100.00 =========================================
EX-010       TCB=008B84DB       100.00 =========================================
CALL-011     TCB=008B8248       100.00 =========================================
ISPTASK-008  TCB=008B8D90        99.65 =========================================
PMSEL-012    TCB=00893528        99.58 =========================================
ISPF-007     TCB=008E1190        99.18 =========================================
ISPTASK-009  TCB=008B8738        16.54 =========
EXEC-013     TCB=008A67C0         1.01 =
ALLOC-017    TCB=008A67C0         0.06
ALLOC-015    TCB=008A67C0         0.05
ALLOC-016    TCB=008A67C0         0.04
IEAVAR00-001 TCB=008FE0A8         0.00
IEAVTSDT-002 TCB=008FFE88         0.00
IEESB605-003 TCB=008FFBF8         0.00
CALL-014     TCB=008A6390         0.00

A sample report with a task fully expanded is shown here.

  File  View  Navigate  Help
W02: WAIT Time by Module (0651/TSTJOB01)                      Row 00001 of 00086
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description          Percent of Time in WAIT * 10.00%  ±0.8%
ISPTASK-009  TCB=008B8738       16.54 ========
→ ISPSUBS      Application Prog 11.21 ======
  → ISPCDI       CSECT in ISPSU  8.86 ====
  → ISPCAT       CSECT in ISPSU  2.21 =
  → ISPCCI       CSECT in ISPSU  0.09
  → ISPDPD       CSECT in ISPSU  0.04
→ IGG019BB     Data Management   4.57 ===
  → IGG019BB     CSECT in IGG01  4.57 ===
→ IGG0CLHA     Data Management   0.25
  → IGGOCLXA     CSECT in IGG0C  0.25
→ IEAVEWAT     Task management   0.18
  → IGC001       CSECT in IEAVE  0.18
→ IGC018       Supervisor Contr  0.17
  → SVC018       CSECT in IGC01  0.17
→ IGC0013I     Supervisor Contr  0.12
  → ICVDSD03     CSECT in IGC00  0.07
  → ICVCMI03     CSECT in IGC00  0.04