PSW Address Line

Each unique PSW address has one line. By default, the lines are sorted in descending sequence by SRB CPU activity.

Under Heading This is Displayed
Address The PSW address of the sampled instruction.
Module The load module name at the sampled address. If the Measurement Task cannot determine the module name, 'Unknown' is displayed.
AM The address mode (AMODE): 24, 31 or 64.
S/P If execution is in a supervisor call, the SVC number is displayed. Or S or P that is followed by the storage key is displayed. S indicates supervisor mode and P indicates problem mode. For example, P8 indicates execution in problem mode in storage key 8.
AS The address space control mode. AR indicates access-register mode, SS indicates secondary-space mode and HS indicates home-space mode. Blanks are displayed for primary-space mode.
ASID If the storage was acquired by an address space other than the measured one or a foreign address space, the ASID (address space id) in the hexadecimal of the address space that acquired the storage at the PSW address is displayed. For example, the processing of an SQL request. Execution occurs in load modules fetched into storage by one of the DB2 address spaces.
Percent of SRB CPU Time The percentage of SRB CPU time that is observed at the indicated address.