Detail window

You can enter “++” (or the Enter key) on any line to display a pop-up window containing additional information.

A sample detail window for this report is shown here:

   File  View  Navigate  Help
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 | Source Statement Information                                         |
 |            Perform until Char-Column > 80                            |
 |   CSECT Name:          COB01                                         |
 |   Offset:              000510                                        |
 |   Object Code Size:    20 bytes                                      |
 |   Activity Count:      8 times                                       |
 |                                                                      |
 | Module Information for COB01                                         |
 |   Load Address      08B00B38 to 08B01FFF                             |
 |   Module Size       5,320                                            |
 |   Attributes        REUS,NORENT,APFLIB                               |
 |   Module Loation    JPA                                              |
 |   Loadlib DDNAME    STEPLIB                                          |
 |   Load Library      BNPF.UTIL.LOADLIB                                |
 |                                                                      |
 | ESD Information for COB01                                            |
 |    External  Offset  Length  Start Addr  End Addr                    |
 |    COB01  000000    4152   08B00B38   08B01B6F                       |
 |    IGZEBST   001038    1168   09B01B70   08B01FFF                    |
 |                                                                      |