Sample reports

When the report is first displayed, only the first level of the hierarchy is visible (DBRM Name). A sample is shown here:

   File  View  Navigate  Help
F03: SQL Activity by Module (0659/CICS23A)                  Row 00001 of 00003
Command ===> __________________________________________________Scroll ===> CSR
Name     Stmt# SQL Function  Percent of Time * 10.00% ±1.1%
PFSAMPC                            17.22  =========
PFSAMPB                             6.31  ===
PFSAMPA                             2.00  =

You can enter the “+” line command on a DBRM Name to expand to the next level, which is SQL commands. Then you can expand the SQL commands to show the SQL. A sample is shown here with the first DBRM expanded, and then one of the SQL commands expanded:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
F03:  SQL Activity by Module (0659/CICS23A)                   Row 00001 of 00019
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

Name      Stmt#  SQL Function   Percent of Time * 10.00%  ±1.1%
PFSAMPC                               17.22 =========
→ S00012  01466  FETCH                  9.13 =====
→ S00008  01316  SELECT                 1.82 =
→ S00017  03054  FETCH                  1.81 =
→ S00010  01347  SELECT                 1.48 =
→ S00011  01443  OPEN                   0.80
→ S00018  03155  SELECT                 0.66
              > SELECT * INTO : H , : H , : H , : H , : H : H FROM DEP
              > T WHERE XRATE = : H

→ S00015  02989  SELECT                 0.48
→ S00019  03179  SELECT                 0.43
→ S00014  01562  CLOSE                  0.26
→ S00016  03046  OPEN                   0.25
→ S00020  03065  CLOSE                  0.05
→ S00009  01316  SELECT                 0.01