Abend code

CAZAPI01 will produce a user abend code: 4085 in the event of an recoverable error. The following table identifies abend reason codes in hexadecimal and decimal formats and explains the reason for the abend:
Table 1. Abend code
Hexadecimal Decimal Explanation
FA0 4000 The input parameter pointer was zero.
FA4 4004 Either the input command pointer was zero or the length field contained zeros.
FA8 4008 Either the reply command pointer was zero or the length field contained zeros.
FAC 4012 The STCID pointer was zero.
FB0 4016 The return_code pointer was zero.
FB4 4020 The reason_code pointer was zero.
FB8 4024 The VL bit was turned on prior to the last parameter.
FAC 4028 The VL bit was not turned on on the last parameter.
FC0 4032 Internal error. Contact product support.
FC4 4036 Internal error. Contact product support.