Panel 2 input fields

Data Extractors
The data extractors are selected to direct Application Performance Analyzer to measure additional information about CICS®, DB2®, IMS™, MQSeries®, Java™, Adabas, Natural or WebSphere® Application Services. Use a slash to select one or more appropriate extractors.
This option is used to collect information about CICS session statistics and CICS transactions. CICS data is reported in the E01 through E11 reports and the CICS Multiple Address Space X series of reports. This extractor can also be selected when the WAS extractor is selected. In this situation, the external CICS interface (EXCI) data will be captured from any WAS Servant observation sessions, and reported in the B11 report.
This option is used to collect additional information about CICS transactions, allowing exact transaction counts, service times and CPU times to be measured and reported in the E12 report. When CICS+ is selected, CICS is automatically included. Your installer might have chosen to limit access to this data extractor.
This option is used to collect information about SQL calls made during measurement. DB2 data is reported in the F01 through F10, F13 and F14 reports.
This option is used to collect additional DB2 information, allowing exact call counts, service times, and CPU times to be measured and reported in the F11 and F12 reports. The F15 through F19 reports are produced for DDF measurements only. DB2+ also ensures that accurate SQL text is reported, as without DB2+ turned on it is possible for the SQL text to be incorrect. When DB2+ is selected, DB2 is automatically included. Your installer might have chosen to limit access to this data extractor, as DB2+ causes each DB2 call to be intercepted to collect additional data. This might have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. You should be careful when using this feature with other products that also intercept DB2 calls because unpredictable results might occur.
This option is used to activate the DB2 variable extractor during measurement. It will extract SQL variable names for sampled SQL calls. The variable names will then be substituted in place of the :H place holders when the SQL text is displayed. When DB2V is selected, DB2 and DB2+ are automatically included.
This option is used to activate the static DB2 explain extractor during measurement. When selected, Application Performance Analyzer will extract static EXPLAIN information for observed SQL statements that were bound in a package or plan with the EXPLAIN(YES) option. See DB2 EXPLAIN report for more details.
This option is used to activate the collateral DB2 extractor during measurement. When selected, Application Performance Analyzer measures DB2 activity in other address spaces when that activity is invoked by this original DB2 request; for example calls to stored procedures and user-defined functions. In the R02 Observation List, the collateral DB2 measurements are created separately and are grouped under this observation request. When CDB2 is selected, DB2 and DB2+ are automatically included. The CDB2 extractor is only available when your installation has enabled the WLM intercept in Application Performance Analyzer. Your installer might have chosen to limit access to this data extractor, as CDB2 causes each DB2 call and WLM call to be intercepted to collect additional data. This can have a small impact on the performance of the target address space.
This option is used to collect information about IMS (DL/I) calls. IMS information is reported in the I01, and I03 through I15 reports.
This option is used to collect additional IMS information, allowing exact DL/I call counts, DL/I service times, and CPU times to be measured and reported in the I02, and I16 through I21 reports. When IMS+ is selected, IMS is automatically included. Your installer might have chosen to limit access to this data extractor, as IMS+ causes each DL/I call to be intercepted to collect additional data. This might have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. You should be careful when using this feature with other products that also intercept DL/I calls because unpredictable results might occur.
This option is used to collect detailed information about Java calls. Java information is reported in the J series of reports.
This option is used to collect information about MQSeries interface calls (both dynamic and static) in Batch, IMS and CICS application programs. This extractor is not used to measure the MQ address space itself. MQSeries information is reported in the Q series of reports.
You can select MQ+ option by specifying a forward slash (/). Selecting MQ+ option activates the MQ+ Data Extractor during the measurement. To clear the MQ+ option, specify blank. MQ+ is an MQ measurement option where the precise number of MQ calls, the exact MQ service time and CPU time by MQ call is counted. When you select the MQ+ option, Application Performance Analyzer captures the data that is required to produce the MQ+ timeline and service time reports Q11 through Q14. This might have a small impact on the performance of the target address space. Be careful when you use the MQ+ feature with other products that also intercept MQ calls because unpredictable results might occur. Activating the MQ+ option automatically activates the MQ option.
This option is used to collect information about Adabas calls. There are no special Adabas reports. Adabas calls are reported under the ADABAS category in several reports. The C08 CPU Usage Referred Attribution report can also be used to see the Attribution offset for Adabas calls and to source map the program. The Ada extractor is only available when your installation has enabled Adabas in Application Performance Analyzer.
This option is used to collect information about Natural calls. Natural calls are reported in the C10 report. The Nat extractor is only available when your installation has enabled Natural in Application Performance Analyzer.

This option is used to collect information about WebSphere Application Services requests. The WAS extractor is available only when your installation has enabled WebSphere Application Services in Application Performance Analyzer. Refer to the WAS checklist in Chapter 1 of the Application Performance Analyzer Customization Guide for the steps to enable WebSphere Application Services. Your installer might have chosen to limit access to this data extractor.

The Job Name field on Panel 1 must contain the name of a WebSphere Application Services controller address space. The controller is not actually sampled, since no application code runs in it. Instead, all WebSphere Application Services requests processed by the controller are recorded in the sample file and reported in the B01 to B10 reports. Start of changeIf during measurement of the controller, one or more servant regions become active, and the Application Performance Analyzer WLM Intercept has been enabled during installation, the servant region activity will be measured and reported in separate child observation sessions.End of change You select any of the following extractors when WAS is selected: CICS, DB2, DB2+, CDB2, DB2V, and JAVA. However, these extractors are only enabled for the WebSphere Application Services servant observation sessions.

This option is used to collect detailed information about Service Request Block (SRB) activity during the measurement. When you select the option, the SRB measurement reports are generated. When measuring a DDF address space, the DB2+ and SRB extractors are mutually exclusive.
Maximum number of trace entries (DB2+, IMS+ and MQ+)
These fields are displayed only when your installation has configured Application Performance Analyzer to display them. Otherwise, your installation default is used.

For DB2+, enter the value (in thousands) to limit the number of DB2+ SQL call interceptions for which full details will be written to the sample file. Collecting full details on every interception allows the F02 Timeline report to report exact times for all SQL calls. The F02 report will be truncated at the number of calls specified in this field. The DB2+ data extractor continues to collect the data it requires for the other reports for the duration of the measurement. The value is entered in thousands of calls to be recorded and cannot exceed the default value specified for DB2IMaxTraceSize during Application Performance Analyzer installation. The default value is displayed in this field for NEW observation requests.

For IMS+, enter the value (in thousands) to limit the number of IMS+ DLI call interceptions for which full details will be written to the sample file. Collecting full details on every interception allows the I02 and I03 Timeline reports to report exact times for all DLI calls and IMS transactions. The I02 and I03 reports will be truncated at the number of calls specified in this field. The IMS+ data extractor continues to collect the data it requires for the other reports for the duration of the measurement. The value is entered in thousands of calls to be recorded and cannot exceed the default value specified for IMSIMaxTraceSize during Application Performance Analyzer installation. The default value is displayed in this field for NEW observation requests.

For MQ+, enter the value in thousands to limit the number of MQ call interceptions for which full details are written to the sample file. By collecting full details on every interception, exact times for all MQ calls can be reported in MQ+ reports. The Q11 report is truncated at the number of calls that are specified in this field. The MQ+ data extractor continues to collect the data that it requires for the other reports during the measurement. The value is entered in thousands of calls to be recorded. And the value cannot exceed the default value that is specified for MQIMaxTraceSize during Application Performance Analyzer installation. The default value is displayed in this field for NEW observation requests.

Specify L for load libraries, D for directories
Specify either L or D to indicate whether Application Performance Analyzer is to search load libraries or directories.
Specify up to 10 load libraries to be searched by Application Performance Analyzer for external symbol information. These are applicable only when sampled modules are fetched from dynamically allocated load libraries. See Specifying additional libraries for more information.
Specify up to 440 bytes of HFS directory path names to be searched by Application Performance Analyzer, each separated by one or more spaces. These are applicable only when sampled HFS programs have relative path names.