Detail window
You can enter “++” (or the Enter key) on any line to display a pop-up window containing additional information.
A sample detail window for this report is shown below (shown in three scrollable screen segments).
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| DB2 EXPLAIN Data for Selected Row |
| |
| Block number 0003 |
| Plan number 0001 |
| Join method None |
| Table creator USER4 |
| Table name MAIN |
| Access type Table space scan |
| Matching columns 0 |
| Index creator n/a |
| Index name n/a |
| Index only No |
| Merge join columns 0 |
| Correlation name T3 |
| Page range screening n/a |
| Join type n/a |
| Query block type SELECT |
| Direct row access n/a |
| |
| Sort New Composite |
| Unique No No |
| Join No No |
| Order by No No |
| Group by No No |
| |
| Lock mode Intent Share |
| Prefetch Pure sequential |
| Function evaluation After data retrieval and sorting |
| Multiple index operation sequence no. 0 |
| |
| Parallelism Information: |
| Number of tasks 0 |
| Group identifier 0 |
| Join degree 0 |
| Join group id 0 |
| Sort composite group id 0 |
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| Sort new table group id 0 |
| Parallelism mode n/a |
| |
| |
| Descriptive Names Mapped to PLAN_TABLE Column Names |
| |
| Descriptive Name Column Name |
| Block number QBLOCKNO |
| Plan number PLANNO |
| Join method METHOD |
| Table creator CREATOR |
| Table name TNAME |
| Access type ACCESSTYPE |
| Matching columns MATCHCOLS |
| Index creator ACCESSCREATOR |
| Index name ACCESSNAME |
| Index only INDEXONLY |
| Lock mode TSLOCKMODE |
| Prefetch PREFETCH |
| Function evaluation COLUMN_FN_EVAL |
| Multiple index operation sequence no. MIXOPSEQ |
| Number of tasks ACCESS_DEGREE |
| Group identifier ACCESS_PGROUP_ID |
| Join degree JOIN_DEGREE |
| Join group id JOIN_PGROUP_ID |
| Sort composite group id SORTC_PGROUP_ID |
| Sort new table group id SORTN_PGROUP_ID |
| Parallelism mode PARALLELISM_MODE |
| Merge join columns MERGE_JOIN_COLS |
| Correlation name CORRELATION_NAME |
| Page range screening PAGE_RANGE |
| Join type JOIN_TYPE |
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| Query block type QBLOCK_TYPE |
| Direct row access PRIMARY_ACCESSTYPE |