Sample reports

A sample report is shown here:

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C07: CPU Usage by Procedure (0757/TSTJOB01)                   Row 00001 of 00009
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Program   Procedure Name            Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±2.5%
LPFRAYV4  B300-PROCESS-ACCTS      32.86 ================
LPFRAYV4  A200-CALCULATE-RTE      16.60 =======
LPFRAYV4  A100-CALCULATE-MTX      11.22 =====
LPFRAYV4  B300-EXIT                0.53
LPFRAYV4  A200-EXIT                0.46
LPFRAYV4  A100-EXIT                0.06

SYSTEM    System/OS Services      37.45 ==================
APPLCN    No Procedure Mapped      0.79