Overview of DB2 Multiple Address Space Support

DB2® multiple address space (MASS) support allows you to create a request to measure a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function, regardless of which WLM region it executes in.

You can also measure DB2 activity in stored procedures and user-defined functions that are invoked from any job you are measuring, by selecting the Collateral DB2 data extractor (CDB2). In this case, the measured job does not have to be a stored procedure or user-defined function.

To enter a DB2 MASS observation that measures a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function:
  1. Start a NEW request.
  2. In Panel 1 – Job Information, enter a dash (-) in the Job name/Pattern field.
  3. In Panel 5 – Subsystems, enter the DB2 subsystem name, the schema name, and the stored procedure name or the user-defined function name. You must also indicate whether you are measuring a stored procedure or a user-defined function.
  4. In Panel 2 – Options, select the DB2 data extractor.
  5. Complete any other relevant fields for your observation request.
Once the NEW request is complete and submitted, Application Performance Analyzer creates and starts an observation request for the DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function. It will execute for the duration specified on the NEW request.
To enter an observation that measures a DB2 batch job that invokes a DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function:
  1. Start a NEW request.
  2. In Panel 1 – Job Information, enter the batch job name in the Job name/Pattern field.
  3. In Panel 2 – Options, select the DB2+ and CDB2 data extractors.
  4. Complete any other relevant fields for your observation request.
Once the NEW request is complete and submitted, Application Performance Analyzer creates and starts an observation request for the DB2 batch job. Because the collateral DB2 extractor is on, when the DB2 batch job calls the stored procedure or user-defined function, Application Performance Analyzer generates a separate measurement. This measurement is displayed in the R02 Observation List as child observations under the parent.