Panel 6 – Sysplex
This panel is used to select a target Sysplex system from a list. You can also choose ALL systems, in which case the target job will be measured on the first system to run it. You cannot select ALL for active jobs. Selecting ALL is the same as entering an asterisk (*) in the System Name field on panel 1.
A sample panel 6 is shown here.
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R03: Schedule New Measurement Row 00001 of 00010
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
o 1. Job Information 3. Multi Steps 5. Subsystems 7. Schedule
2. Options 4. Active Jobs 6. Sysplex 8. Sched Options
Panel 6. Sysplex
Target System. 'S' to select one option from the list (scrollable):
_ ALL All Sysplex members eligible
_ XS02
_ XS03
_ XS05