Sample reports
A sample report is shown as follows. The queue manager is expanded to the second level MQ call.
Q12: MQ+ CPU/SVC Time by Queue (0098/CICS42A) Row 00001 of 00008
Nbr of --CPU Time-- --Svc Time--
Name Description Calls Total Mean Total Mean
CSQ7 CSQ7.DEFXMIT.QUEUE 1,189 0.96 0.00081 1.91 0.00161
→Put CSQ4CVK1+4FC2 393 0.36 0.00092 0.64 0.00163
→Get MQSAMP1+3C4C 400 0.37 0.00092 0.64 0.00160
→Open MQSAMP1+3AB8 200 0.13 0.00065 0.48 0.00241
→Open CSQ4CVK1+4EDA 196 0.10 0.00053 0.14 0.00075
CSQ7 397 0.09 0.00025 0.14 0.00035
→Close CSQ4CVK1+5176 197 0.04 0.00023 0.06 0.00035
→Close MQSAMP1+401A 200 0.05 0.00026 0.07 0.00036