USS multiple address space measurements

Spawned address spaces and substeps might be generated when measuring USS. Application Performance Analyzer will measure these additional address spaces if you specify a value in the USS observations field in the Schedule New Measurement panel.

When you use this feature, a USS master record will be displayed above all the associated measurements. The master record has a status of USS.

An example is shown here:

File  View  Navigate  Help
R02: IBM APA for z/OS Observation List (ZRAY)                 Row 00001 of 00221
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

ReqNum  Owned By  Description      Job Name  Date/Time        Samples  Status

| 2385 +  USER1     USS TEST#1     ARAUTEE   Apr-18 19:56       2,500  USS   |
| → 2386         BPXBATCH RUN                Apr-18 19:56          10  Ended |
| → 2387         BPXPRECP *OMVSEX            Apr-18 19:56           7  Ended |
| → 2388         BPXPRECP *OMVSEX  *Java*    Apr-18 19:57       2,500  Ended |
| → 2389         BPXPRFC  STEP1              Apr-18 19:56          29  Ended |
| → 2390         BPXPRFC  STEP1              Apr-18 19:57       2,500  Ended |
| → 2391         BPXPRFC  STEP1              Apr-18 19:57       2,500  Ended |
| → 2392         BPXPRFC  STEP1    *Java*    Apr-18 19:57       2,500  Ended |
| → 2393         BPXPRFC  STEP1    *Java*    Apr-18 19:57       2,500  Ended |

You can expand the USS master record by entering a “+” on the sequence number. The additional measurements in the expanded record include the original measurement (the initiating step) and any spawned address spaces or substeps.

The description field in the subordinate measurements under the USS master record is populated with the program name and step name. For spawned address spaces, this would normally be BPXPRFC STEP1. For substeps, this would normally be BPXPRECP *OMVSEX.

If Java™ is detected in a step, then *Java* is placed in the description to the right of the program and step name.

If the step is run from the USS shell, and a Java command string is available, then the Java command string will be placed in the description instead of the information described above.