Panel 7 – Schedule
This panel is not applicable when measuring specific DB2® stored procedures or user-defined functions.
This panel is used to generate a schedule for repetitions of future measurements. A maximum of 105 future scheduled measurement entries is allowed.
The panel is shown here before any future schedule data has been entered:
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R03: Schedule New Measurement Row 00001 of 00015
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
o 1. Job Information o 3. Multi Steps o 5. Subsystems 7. Schedule
o 2. Options 4. Active Jobs 6. Sysplex 8. Sched Options
Panel 7. Schedule
Date/time of first in sequence Measurement repetitions
Date (yy mm dd) . __ __ __ Repeat . . __ times
Time (hh mm) . . __ __ After . . . __ days ___ minutes
Use this panel to specify a schedule for repetitions of the measurement.
Input the above fields and press ENTER to generate dates and times for
each of the measurements. These dates/times will be shown below in a
scrollable table which you can add to by repeating this input process.
Using this panel to create a future schedule is explained in the example below. Note that there are also important fields on panel 8 related to future schedules. If it is not known when the job will run, use panel 8 to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.