File type

Specify L for a compiler listing file, A for an assembler ADATA file, S for a LANGX SideFile, or D for a SYSDEBUG file.

Source information files are supported for the following language versions:

  • PP 5740 OS/VS COBOL
  • PP 5668-958 VS COBOL II
  • PP 5688-197 COBOL for MVS/VM
  • PP 5648-A25 COBOL for OS/390/VM
  • PP 5655-G53 Enterprise COBOL V3
  • PP 5655-S71 Enterprise COBOL V4
  • PP 5655-W32 Enterprise COBOL V5
  • Start of changePP 5655-EC6 IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V6End of change
  • PP 5655-H31 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS® v3 (LANGX side files only)
  • PP 5655-W67 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS v4 (LANGX side files & SYSDEBUG)
  • PP 5694-A01 z/OS C/C++ V1.20 and above

For complete information on compiler options, refer to Required compiler options for creating listings or CAZLANGX side files.