Sample reports

A sample report is shown here. It has been expanded to the second level.

| C10: CPU Usage by Natural Program (0236/TSTJOB01)        Row 00001 of 00022  |
| Command ===> _____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR   |
|                                                                              |
| Program   Library              Percent of CPU Time * 10.00%  ±1.9%           |
|                               *....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9 |
| NATPGM1   SYSLIB             99.67 ========================================= |
| → 0010      stmt # 10        38.42 ====================                      |
| → 0020      stmt # 20        27.77 ===============                           |
| → 0090      stmt # 90        24.93 =============                             |
| → 0120      stmt # 120        8.53 ====                                      |
|                                                                              |
| NATPGM2   SYSLIB              0.16                                           |
| → 2985      stmt # 2985       0.05                                           |
| → 3687      stmt # 3687       0.02                                           |
|                                                                              |
| NATPGM3   SYSLIB              0.08                                           |
| → 0183      stmt # 183        0.05                                           |
| → 0621      stmt # 621        0.02                                           |
|                                                                              |