Overview of CICS Multiple Address Space Support
CICS® multiple address space (MASS) support allows you to measure and analyze multiple CICS regions simultaneously. Transaction data from multiple regions is merged to produce a set of 4 CICS reports showing multi-region activity. These reports are X01, X02, X03 and X04.
To enter CICS MASS observations:
- Start a NEW request.
- In Panel 1 – Job Information, enter either a Job name/Pattern with an asterisk (*) or a multi-job measurement with a percent (%) for the CICS regions you want to measure.
- In Panel 4 – Active Jobs, if you entered an asterisk (*) in the Job Name/Pattern field, select the CICS regions from the list of active jobs presented. If you entered a percent (%) in the Job Name/Pattern field, the CICS regions that match the pattern are displayed. It is not necessary to select the CICS regions in this case, unless you want to limit the measurement to specific CICS regions. The maximum number of regions you are permitted to select is determined during the installation of Application Performance Analyzer.
- In Panel 2 – Options, select the CICS data extractor.
- Complete any other relevant panels for your request. You can specify further CICS measurement criteria in Panel 5 – Subsystems.
When the separate observation requests are completed, you can view
the CICS MASS reports by using
the tag (T) and report (S or R) commands.
- Tag up to 20 CICS region measurements to be included in the CICS MASS reports.
- Select one of the CICS region measurements for reporting, using the S or R command. This measurement does not have to be tagged.